Cities: Skylines - Season Pass 2 (英韓文版) 全球玩家的評分 25個評分 68% 4% 16% 0% 12% 遊戲和法律資訊 ※某些套裝包會包含本產品。同時,本產品所包含的某些內容也能夠單獨購買。請勿重複購買。 《The Cities: Skylines》的第二張季票包含能夠讓玩家們的都市建造能力達到新高峰的內容。季票 2 將會帶來...
Cities: Skylines - Season Pass 2 Calificación global de los jugadores 3.90Calificación promedio: 3.9 estrellas de cinco estrellas en un total de 226 calificaciones 226 calificaciones 61 % 9 % 9 % 0 % 20 % Información legal y del juego ...
Cities: Skylines - Season Pass 2 Paradox Interactive•模擬 一般 此內容需要遊戲 (個別販售)。 藝廊 描述 《The Cities: Skylines》的第二張季票包含能夠讓玩家們的都市建造能力達到新高峰的內容。季票 2 將會帶來三款大型擴充包(Green Cities、Parklife 和 Industries),另外還有 European Suburbia 內容包與三個...
《The Cities: Skylines》的第二張季票包含能夠讓玩家們的都市建造能力達到新高峰的內容。季票 2 將會帶來三款大型擴充包(Green Cities、Parklife 和 Industries),另外還有 European Suburbia 內容包與三個廣播電台(Country Road Radio、All That Jazz 和 Synthetic Dawn Radio)。 透過綜合包來在《The Cities: Skyline...
The Cities: Skylines Mayor’s Edition has everything console players need to take their city-building skills to new heights. Along with the base game, this bundle features some of the game’s most popular content add-ons, including all the content from Season Pass 1, and everything to come...
Cities: Skylines – Windows 10 Edition puts you in charge of a growing city – from the ground-breaking of its first streets to the ever-changing needs of thousands of citizens. Design, build, and manage the city of your dreams, from public services to c
Provides the Harmony patching library for all Cities: Skylines mods that require it. Utilities By boformer 318KB 1.3k 102.5k Traffic Manager President Edition Improve lane and parking usage. and customise junctions, roads, and rails!⠀⠀ Utilities By marcocons 8.0MB 1.3k 106.3k Move ...
将《Cities: Skylines》2019 年即将推出的全部内容捆绑打包,节省费用!《Green Cities》和《European Suburbia》将于 2019 年 1 月发布,拥有《Season Pass 2》的玩家们可立即畅玩,而剩余的 DLC 将在全年发布后提供。新内容可从商店下载。 《Season Pass 2》内容: 《Green Cities》(完整扩展) 《European Suburbia》...
2-3h Very Accommodating Have a total of 500 weekly guests stay at hotels. Peak Season Organize three hotel events. Fully Booked! Have the maximum number of guests stay at any 5-star hotel. Cities: Skylines - Remastered Achievements FAQ ...
Cities: Skylines II Xbox Series X|S (WW) 游戏平台(5) 版本(1) - 特殊价格¥ 345.79RRP¥ 379.39 -8% Notify me 这种产品上市时通知我 You will be notified when the item is back in stock. 可以激活于 中国 目前无货 我们以数字形式交付产品代码 ...