as well as generating significant volumes of waste, it has become increasingly clear that the traditional linear economy model is untenable due to increasing climatic extremes, growing shortage of materials, increased levels of pollution, increased material demand, and a growing ...
Within this “unexplored” framework and bearing upon the constitutional importance of street classification, this paper aims to examine and understand the “formal street classification landscape” through conducting a worldwide review of formal urban street classification plans as recorded in a national ...
By 2020, according to United Nations and European Union reports, 75% of Europe’s population will be living in cities – that’s around 365 million citizens. The majority of our cities are hot, dry, polluted and impermeable and increasingly densely...
Today, according to UN Report the world population in urban areas has reached to 50.5%. In other words, half of the world's population are concentrated in the cities. However, distribution of urban population in the world is not evenly. A significant diversity in the urbanization levels can ...
In many areas of the world where homosexuality remains illegal or stigmatized in structural and social ways, gay, bisexual and other men who have sex with men (MSM) largely decline to disclose their sexuality and same-sex behavior to healthcare providers (HCPs) [1]. This concealment protects ...
The period from the late 1990s until the end of 2008 was tumultuous. The events noted in this chapter illuminate the global political system led by American hegemonic power. The system itself has become dysfunctional in several ways and unable to address
PCMs are particularly well suited to passive air-conditioning applications in hot countries, such as sub-Saharan Africa, where the days are hot and the nights cold. However, they can also find applications in other parts of the world.
The motivation of this work is the fact that the city of Rio de Janeiro, although widely known and admired around the world for its natural beauty, has a wide negative notoriety regarding its urban functionality. There is a critical need for investment in the city's infrastructure in order ...
The recent proliferation of ubiquitous computing technologies has led to the emergence of urban computing that aims to provide intelligent services to inhabitants of smart cities. Urban computing deals with enormous amounts of data collected from sensors and other sources in a smart city. In this ar...
Introduction Many changes are affecting world cities and communities. The concept of the Smart City, SC, was created originally to give a functional response to the management of urban environments that are affected by human pressure generated by growing urbanization. Europe was already predominantly ...