Children rush outdoors to build snowmen, families engage in spirited snowball fights, and communities come together to savor the magical ambiance. The juxtaposition of snow against the usual Texas backdrop creates a picturesque scene that feels almost surreal. The unpredictability of snow in Texas add...
Texas is divided up into 7 regions, each vastly different from the next. Explore our cities and you'll find rolling hill country, the Gulf Coast and gorgeous pines.
Ten Most Beautiful Cities In Texas #7 If you ever get lost here, don't ask Big Tex for assistance. The Grand Canyon of Texas serves as the gateway to Palo Duro Canyon State Park. It is also home to the Panhandle-Plains Historical Museum. Noah Sherwood/Canva #7 Canyon He ain't Big...
Amarillo, the second windiest city in the US, is quite close to Dodge City and part of Tornado Alley. The city, famous for its savory steak challenge and beautiful canyon, has an average wind speed of 13.6 miles per hour. Situated in the windy Texas Panhandle, Amarillo sits towards the e...
Two Texas Panhandle Towns Rank Among the Most Boring in Texas Recommended Dog Kept on Growling at the Wall Until Dad Notices the Smell and Tears It Down beachraider Powered by RevContent Sign up to have news and information about your community delivered to your email....
This largest city in the Texas Panhandle can thank small-business incubators for growing the economy over the past several years. According to figures from the West Texas A&M University Small Business Development Center, Amarillo had more than 58 start-ups open their doors last year, creating mo...
and the Gulf Coast. It’s the second-largest state in the United States (afterAlaska) with a diverse landscape. This includes forested land in East Texas, the Rio Grande Valley delta in the south, the Panhandle Plains in the north, and Big Bend Country in the westernmost part of Texas....
This Texas panhandle city has attractions like the famousCadillac RanchandThe Big Texan Steak Ranchand Brewery where you can attempt the 72 oz. steak challenge. Austin Getty Images Austin Visit thecapitol building, take a walk along famous6th Streetand take in the art, entertainment, music and ...
So, if you are ever in Houston and you start to get that sinking feeling, now you know why. This $170M Texas Ranch With 65,000 Acres Is a Dog Lover’s Dream Home Mesa Vista, the 65,000-acre Panhandle ranch, which belonged to oil billionaireT. Boone Pickensuntil his death three yea...
Using water and climate data on oxidation ponds in these three cities within the Texas Panhandle from 2010 to 2014, we evaluated water quantities which would be available for potential reuse. From the net monthly wastewater volumes values, the study also considered if per capita demand could have...