Citescore是由Scopus数据库支持,以四年为一个时段,连续评估期刊和丛书的引文影响力的指标。CiteScore 2...
CiteScore的独特之处在于其即时更新性,不同于年度公布的JCR影响因子,CiteScore Tracker提供了月度更新。新期刊在Scopus数据库收录后的第二年即可获得CiteScore指标,提高了信息的时效性。此外,爱思唯尔公开了免费的基础数据和计量方法,无需订阅Scopus即可自行计算期刊的CiteScore。关于CiteScore是否能取代JCR...
每年6月,影响因子都会是学术界讨论的热点,今年更不例外,除了刚刚全面更新的统治科研评价体系多年的Journal Impact Factor(期刊影响因子,以下简称JIF),更早些时候,学术出版巨头Elsevier(爱思唯尔)继去年年底拿出自己的科研评价体系后,也于6月初发布了2016年度期刊引用分数榜 CiteScore。两套科研评价体系并存的现象激起了业...
Two major journal-based metrics are in competition: the Journal Impact Factor and CiteScore. Although these two metrics are based on similar principles of measuring the impact by citations, some differences between them exist. Years used to calculate the metric, access to computing data, and numb...
We are delighted with the news that our ‘Journal of Orthopaedic Translation’ (JOT) has received a high 2020 SCI Impact Factor (IF) of 5.191 from ‘Web of Science’ and Cite Score of 5.4 from Scopus database, updated as follows: JOT updated IF and Cite Score. According to Scopus data...
0.05 impact factor 5 - 10 scite index 0.94 5-year si sjr q1 catalysis snip 1.24 3 time to publish view chart 3 mo journal specifications overview publisher elsevier language english frequency semi-monthly general details language english frequency semi-monthly publication start year 1987 publisher ...
0.05 impact factor 5 - 10 scite index 0.92 5-year si sjr q1 organic chemistry snip 1 2 time to publish view chart 2 mo journal specifications indexed in the following public directories web of science scopus sjr overview publisher american chemical society language english frequency monthly ...
CITESCORE 2.4 SCOPUS IMPACT FACTOR 2.474 Message from the Guest Editor Fracture, Fatigue and Creep of Advanced Materials Special Issue subject problems (PDF) CITESCORE 2.4 SCOPUS IMPACT FACTOR 2.474 Message from the Guest Editor Fracture, Fatigue and Creep of Advanced Materials Special ... X Wu ...