A. Author, A. A. (Year). Title of the book. Publisher. B. Author, A. A. (Year). Title of the book. Journal. C. Author, A. A. (Year). Title of the book. Website. D. Author, A. A. (Year). Title of the book. Conference. ...
For an in-text narrative citation of a textbook featuring multiple authors, use the following APA format: The insight by Marieb & Keller (2018) explains. . . In the example above, the two authors’ last names are included in-text and are separated by an ampersand. The publication date fol...
In-text citation formats for lectures In APA format, the only citation you need for content sourced from an in-class lecture is an in-text citation. This receives a simple citation in the following format: “Content from in-class lecture” (Lecturer’s first initial(s). Last name, personal...
For a talk at a conference, you do provide a full reference entry and APA in-text citation. For example, a paper presentation is cited in the following format. APA format Author name, Initials. (Year, Month Day–Day). Paper title [Paper presentation]. Conference Name, City, State, Count...
For a Supreme Court case, the citation is as follows: Name v. Name. Vol. number U.S. Page number. (Year). For example: Doe v. Smith. 474 U.S. 438 (2012). For a lower court, use the following: Name v. Name, Volume Number Reporter abbreviation Page number (Court Name). ...
When citing an amendment of the Constitution, the Constitution and amendment are abbreviated. The following format is used in APA style: U.S. Const. amend. Amendment # (in Roman numerals). So when citing the First Amendment in your reference list, use the following: ...
To cite a paper presentation from an academic conference, use the following format. List the date as the range of dates across which the conference took place. APA format Author name, Initials. (Year, Month Day–Day). Paper title [Paper presentation]. Conference Name, City, State, Country....
Use the following structure to cite written song lyrics inAPA format: Songwriter(s) Last Name, Songwriter(s) First Initial. (Year of publication). Title of song [Lyrics]. Retrieved from URL Here’s how the above example would be cited in APA: ...
Properly referencing a source is not only important that the right people get the proper recognition for their ideas. It is also crucial to the whole research publication and consumption process for the following reasons: To Avoid Plagiarism Citations allow researchers to properly quote the work of...
Note:When the account name and username are similar, the username can be excluded from the citation. For example, if the account’s username was @FirstNameLastName or @OrganizationName. Use the following structure to cite an Instagram photo in APA: ...