Policy Makers Cite Sluggish Economy, Washington Gridlock in Standing Pat. (cover story)The article discusses the U.S. Federal Reserve's (Fed's) September 18, 2013 decision to continue its $85 billion-per-month bond purchasing program. The Fed cited the health of the economy and a recent ...
点击上方的Makers,即精炼出我所勾选的50篇重要文献 点击File---Export---Records---save到相应的文件夹,后缀改为.txt 新建一个endnote文件,将导出的.txt文件导入,即形成endnote文献集,通过find full text功能批量下载全文,进一步阅读浏览。 ~I){((3B(PCULTXSETX%KZU.png 注意事项 Histcite软件下载 (http://...
cited refere n ces得title您要逐个找一下,最简单得办法就是在网络中找到相应 得节点,右键DOI,或Google Scholar来找ti tle、citesp a ce对一个领域做了 DCA聚类 分析之后,对较大得聚类做了 cluste r membe r s = cite d references = i nte ll ec tu a l ba s e,cluste r makers = citin g ...
In an age of migration, anticipating, directing, or stemming migration flows is a leadingdilemma for policy makers confronting a broad range of concerns. A... S Curran,F Garip 被引量: 0发表: 0年 PRELIMINARY –DO NOT QUOTE OR CITE WITHOUT AUTHORS' PERMISSION China's oldest-old population ...
Make an ally with the decision makers of the other business units, so that if required they can help you shift. Suppose you are in marketing, you have a health reason which is why you need to be in a stationed job, or maybe you wanted to be in HR for long. Even if it is with ...
1.Top N 2.Top N% 3.Threshold Interpolation 4.Select Citers 第⼀种办法最简单,最适于初学阶段,所以⽬前版本将其放在⾸位。其余⼏种办法逐渐变得复杂,最好等熟悉系统之后再考虑。下⾯简要介绍⼀下各个⽅法的细节。Top N:系统设定N=30,意为在每个time slice中提取N个被引次数最⾼的⽂献...
最简单的办法是在网络中找到相应的节点,右键》DOI, 或Google Scholar来找titlecitespace对一个领域做了DCA聚类分析之后,对较大的聚类做了cluster members == cited references == intellectual basecluster makers == citing articles == research fronts知识基础和研究前沿分析,那么这些研究前沿可以代表本领域的研究...
One of the key motivations for national policy makers to promote any type of international commercial activity, including engagement in global value chains... P Kowalski,J Lopez-Gonzalez 被引量: 0发表: 2016年 Work in Progress Please do not Cite or Quote Segregation and Tiebout Sorting:Investigati...
我在cluster explorer 中可以找到每个聚类癿cluster members 还有 cluster makers。cluster members 中有author 但是title 下面都是省略号“...”。cluster makers 显示正常,下面癿文献是丌是应该对应癿是 citing article 呢?cluster members == cited references == intellectual base,cluster makers == citing articles...
克里格公司(Maison Kriéger, 1826-1935)法国高档订制家具和装饰艺术品制造商兼经销商,安托万·克里格(Antoine Kriéger, 1804-1869)1826年创建于巴黎圣尼古拉斯路(Rue Saint-Nicolas)17号。1835年,克里格将工坊搬迁至圣安托万市郊路(Rue du Faubourg Saint-Antoine)76号;1850年代,克里格的两位女婿克劳德-朱利安·科...