CRISPR has other limitations that have driven the search foralternative gene editing techniques. For example, the components of CRISPR are too large to insert into the genome of the virus normally used for gene therapy. A potential solution to this comes in the form of a mini-Cas9 that has ...
They showed that by expressing four transcription factors in somatic cells, these cells can be reprogrammed to induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) similar to embryonic stem cells and can give rise to almost every cell type in the human body. The creation of these special cells was major ...
Effect of Seasonal Variation during Annual Cyclist Training on Somatic Function, White Blood Cells Composition, Immunological System, Selected Hormones and Their Interaction with IrisinGrzebiszZato艅ska, NataliaPoprz臋cki, Stanis艂awPokora, Ilona