Solution #2: Online newspaper article vs. Online news site articleIf you’re citing an online article, first determine if you are citing an article from a newspaper OR an article from a news site. APA style has a slightly different format for each.Are you citing an online news article?
APA differentiates between traditional newspapers that are online versus news websites with no daily/weekly/monthly newspaper or magazine edition. Unsure what you’re citing? Follow this decision tree: Are you citing an online news article?
在APA 7th文献风格中,括号引用(Parenthetical Citations)是一种常见的引用方式,用圆括号包含作者姓名和出版年份。这种引用方式主要有两种形式:“Cite”和“Quote”。虽然它们看起来相似,但实际上有一些关键区别。 Cite:提及与引用 📚“Cite”在中文中的意思是“提及”,强调的是引用的来源。具体来说,它可以是原文的...
If the poem you’re citing doesn’t have line numbers, APA suggests using page numbers instead (if available). If you’re quoting from an online source with no numbering, you can simply include the poet’s name and the publication year. Here’s how to cite a poem with no line number...
Article from an online news website (HuffPost, MSNBC, Vox, etc.): Wade, L. (2013, March 6).‘Sunstone’ crystal from British shipwreck may be vikings’ legendary navigation aid. HuffPost. ...
APA Radio Citation Example for an Individual Program Smith, K. G. (Producer). (1999, September 19).Every day News[Television broadcast]. New York, NY: West Broadcasting. How to Format Music Citation in APA When citing music, you need to remember that both the songwriter and the artist sh...
Something as simple as an incorrectly placed period can make a citation completely wrong. For in text-citations, the period almost always comes after the parentheses. Example: (Orwell 45). Similarly, commas should be placed in the correct place within APA citations, which is following the auth...
The first thing to ask yourself when citing websites in APA format is whether the source is an online version of a print publication or an online-only news site.The New York Times,The Wall Street Journal,andTheGuardianare examples of newspapers that publish both in print and online. ...
Article from an online news website (HuffPost, MSNBC, Vox, etc.): Wade, L. (2013, March 6).‘Sunstone’ crystal from British shipwreck may be vikings’ legendary navigation aid. HuffPost. ...
How to Cite Reuters in APA Style Format. Reuters News Agency, a division of the Thomson Reuters company based in London, UK, is an important source for global political and financial news. Reuters news is available entirely online, so all citations for R