Quote:原封不动的引用 📖“Quote”则更准确地翻译为“原封不动的引用”。简单来说,就是直接引用原文,不进行任何改动。这种引用方式更适用于直接引用原文,而不是转述或摘录。 APA 7th格式下的引用方式 📏 在APA 7th格式下,引用方式的具体格式如下: 一手资料的“Cite”:(姓氏,年份) 二手资料的“Cite”:(姓氏...
Cite a Chapter in APA Cite Dialogue in APA Cite the DSM in APA Cite an Encyclopedia in APA Cite a Famous Saying in APA Cite a Graphic Novel in APA Cite Greek Mythology in APA Cite Hamlet in APA Cite a Homeric Hymn in APA Cite an Introduction in APA Cite a Mathematical Theory in APA...
Here’s a tip:Grammarly’s Citation Generator ensures your essays have flawless citations and no plagiarism. Try it for tricky APA citations like conferences, dissertation abstracts, and famous sayings. How to cite a remote lecture in APA format In today’s world, many lectures are delivered...
- The comedian quoted a famous joke during his routine. 这位喜剧演员在他的表演中引用了一则名人笑话。 4. 意义不同: Cite通常用于直接引用别人的话或书面材料,并进行解释或评论;Quote则可以引用任何内容,包括名人名言、歌词、诗歌等。 例句: - The report cites the statistics from a recent study to he...
Coleridge’s famous extended ballad “The Rime of the Ancyent Marinere” is the first poem in the 1798 edition of “Lyrical Ballads.” The poem relates the story of a sailor who suffers terribly after he shoots an albatross, and finally learns that “He prayeth best, who loveth best/All...
Bibliography entries are easier: there’s only one way to do it once you’ve picked either MLA, APA, or Chicago. One word of caution:always pay close attention to what kind of punctuation you’re supposed to use in a citation and where that punctuation goes. It’s a surprisingly big de...
placing a title in quotation marks, the comma goes inside the marks. If you are placing a citation at the end of the quote, the comma will go after the citation. For example: "In his famous book, Smith wrote, 'I have lived an exciting life' (45), meaning his life was fulfilling....
In his Peace Corps memoir River Town, journalist Peter Hessler writes, “Mo Money was a Party Member, but the topic didn’t make him defensive,” (345). You may also want to describe the author(s) if they are not famous, or if you have reason to believe ...
- The film opens with a quote from a famous philosopher.电影以一位著名哲学家的名言开场。5. 语法形式不同: Cite可以接一个名词或一个从句作为其宾语,而Quote通常接一段话或一句完整的话作为它的宾语。例句:- The journalist cited the government's report in her article.记者在她的报道中...
Cite a Multivolume Work in Chicago Cite Google in Chicago Cite a Book in Chicago Cite a Book Cover in Chicago Cite a Chapter in Chicago Cite Dialogue in Chicago Cite the DSM in Chicago Cite a Famous Saying in Chicago Cite a Slide in Chicago Cite a Conference in Chicago Cite a Graphic ...