google scholar: the new generation of citation indexes * Gender & Society is the leading specialty journal in the sociology of gender, as indicated by its high ranking in the ISI Web of Knowledge Journal Citation Reports. The ISI system, however, does not track citations appearing in books, ...
1 (registered in the SJR and appearing in the WoS as well) to show an 80 to 20 ratio, distributed evenly between the countries. As Fig. 1 shows, 80% of the journals in the SJR Q1 category also appear in the WoS, too, merely 20% do not. This 80–20% distribution may be ...
This is by far the most effective tool I have seen that can help highlight many protocol deficiencies appearing in academic papers.Dr. Robert M. Banasik, MBA, DBA, Contributing Faculty, School of Management and Technology, Walden University ...
We then discarded more papers, duplicates, and those that did not match the selection criteria we set. Table 2 shows the search results for each query in each database, as well as the articles we saved for further analysis. Most of the queries were performed on Google Scholar (11 queries...
(Research Square). Showing evidence that preprints are now regularly cited in peer reviewed journal articles, books, and conference papers, the outcomes of this investigation further substantiate the value of open science also in relation to citation-based metrics on which the evaluation of ...