APA引用格式范例:According to Jones(1998),"Students often had difficulty using APA style,especially when it was their first time"(p.199). 或者: She stated,"Students often had difficulty using APA style"(Jones,1998,p.199),but she...
它起源于1929年,主要在psychology、education、social sciences的领域被使用的。 APA引用格式范例:According to Jones(1998),"Students often had difficulty using APA style,especially when it was their first time"(p.199). 或者: She stated,"Students often had difficulty using APA style"(Jones,1998,p.199...
Using Bullet Points ( • ) Why is '-ed' sometimes pronounced at the end of a word? What's the difference between 'fascism' and 'socialism'? More Commonly Misspelled Words Popular in Wordplay See All Top 12 Sophisticated Compliments Word of the Year 2024 | Polarization Terroir, Oen...
APA引用格式范例:According to Jones(1998),"Students often had difficulty using APA style,especially when it was their first time"(p.199). 或者: She stated,"Students often had difficulty using APA style"(Jones,1998,p.199),but she did not offer an explanation as to why. MAMA辅导 铁杆会员...
3.MethodstoCiteandReference Howtocitesourcesinyourwork •Paraphrasing•Summarizing•Referringtoasource•Quoting•Usingstatisticsordatafromasource 3.MethodstoCiteandReference Howtocreateyourlistofreferencesorbibliography •Alistofreferencesgivingfulldetailsofalltheitemsyouhavecitedinthetextofyouressayor...
In-textExample:HumanbeingshavebeendescribedbyKennethBurkeas"symbol-usinganimals"(3).Humanbeingshavebeendescribedas"symbol-usinganimals"(Burke3).PrintSourcewithAuthor CorrespondingWorksCitedEntry:Burke,Kenneth.LanguageasSymbolicAction:EssaysonLife,Literature,andMethod.Berkeley:UofCaliforniaP,1966.Print.WithUnknown...
(1) According to Jones (1998), “Studentsoften had difficulty using APA style, especially when it was their first time”(P.199). paraphrase: (2) According to Jones (1998), APA style is a difficult citation format for first-time learners (p.199). ...
URL Add the web link to the book. Unique ID Add a unique ID for the citation. A unique ID is an identifier for that citation in the project. 注意: *For Search by using ISBN, DOI, and PubMed ID The data displayed in the citation search (“Citation Content”) are provided by Third...
information to identify the source. These usually include the author’s name and sometimes a page number or publication date. They can be either parenthetical or narrative, which we explain below. Alternatively, if you’re using Chicago style, you have the option to usefootnotesas in-text ...
When a Citation field code is in your document, you can change it by using theFielddialog box. Right-click the Citation field code that you want to change, and then clickEdit Fieldon the shortcut menu. In theField codesbox, type a different tag name, or change the switches. ...