I have changed my cmp.lua file to includecmp.config.sourcesmatching the example you linked and removed the treesitter plugin, though it is required forlukas-reineke/indent-blankline.nvimandJoosepAlviste/nvim-ts-context-commentstring. Though the former adds a nice visual guide, I think I can...
What I have: \usepackage[ backend=biber, style=authortitle-icomp, sortlocale=de_DE, natbib=true, isbn=false, url=false, doi=false, eprint=false, dashed=false ]{biblatex} \addbibresource{Bibliographie.bib} \DeclareNameAlias{sortname}{last-first} \DeclareNameAlias{default}{last-first} \rene...
I find it more reliable to process citations via bibtex instead of pandoc-citeproc when the output is PDF. To do that, you may specify the citation_package argument of pdf_document: output: pdf_document: citation_package: natbib You may specify the bibliography style via biblio-style in ...
I've made two further adjustments in the bib entry: In the title field, I've placed curly braces around the words "Epistemic" and "Mediterranean, so that they won't be typeset as "epistemic" and "mediterranean", and I've changed - to -- in the pages field, to instruct LaTeX to c...
I tried the package's instructions and the code in Overleaf's apa6 example. They were both slightly different (see below). I tried them both and they all resulted in the same errors. It did not compile at all. This is the code I used: Preamble: \documentclass[11pt,report,natbib]{...