It is obvious that the citation converter of our website is a perfect fit for college students who want to submit a refined academic paper within the set deadline. It automatically produces references that can be included into the bibliography without any further adjustments; it greatly saves tim...
Beyond citation generation, we offer helpful conversion tools: theDOI to PMID converterand theAMA,APA,Vancouver,MLA,journal-specific pages, andquick-styles) also returns DOI and PMCID (when available). Find citation counts and see which articles cite a given PubMed record with ourcitation counts...
type: definitions.url required: false description: The URL of the work in a source code repository. usage: repository-code: ""titletype: Nonempty string required: true description: The name of the software or dataset. usage: title: ...
Results. The result is an extensible tool that has already seen adaption in a variety of sources and use cases: as part of a server-side page generator of a publishing platform, as part of a local extensible document generator, and as part of an in-browser converter of extracted references...
The format is derived from DOIs, thusly: sanitized_identifier = doi_string.replace('/', '_') dest_path = sanitized_identifier + ".pdf" Ensure any existing PDFs conform to this format, place them in said directory, and run download. Download will use downloaded papers when available. ...
title = {High-Speed Digital-to-{RF} Converter}, number = 5668842, date = {1997-09-16}, holder = {{Hughes Aircraft Company}}, type = {patentus}, } In particular the Inventor (in Zotero's notation) should be exported toauthorand the Assignee/Holder should be exported toholder...
Product ions were analyzed using an orthogonal TOF analyzer that was fitted with a reflector, which was a micro-channel plate detector, and a time-to-digital converter. The data were processed using a peptide sequencing system. Database search A MS/MS ion search was assigned as the ion ...
86 - + [convert_demo](inference/ How to convert user input into a format suitable for CogVideoX. 87 - + [web_demo](inference/ A simple streamlit web application demonstrating how to use the CogVideoX-2B model 88 - to generate videos. 82 + + [cli...