Noteforcitingthisparticulartitle:Intext,citethenameoftheassociationandthenameofthemanual infullatthefirstmentioninthetext;thereafter,youmayrefertothetraditionalDSMform(italicized), suchasDSM-IVorDSM-IV-TR. 8.Book,EnglishTranslation(#32,p.251) Luria,A.R.(1969).Themindofamnemonist(L.Solotaroff,Trans.)...
If the 5-HT1D response to sumatriptan is blunted in patients with episodic cluster headache as reported in this study from Italy, might this provide a working hypothesis to explain a lack of response in patients with chronic cluster headache? DSM Svensson D, Ekbom K, Pedersen N, Traff H,...
Authors: Zambach, Stefan Andreas and Cai, Changsi and Helms, Hans Christian Cederberg and Hald, Bj{\o}rn Olav and Fordsmann, Jonas Christoffer and Nielsen, Reena Murmu and L{\o}nstrup, Micael and Brodin, Birger and Lauritzen, Martin JohannesJournal: bioRxiv (2020)...