Both MLA and APA follow these rules for their bibliographies: Entries are listed in alphabetical order by the last name of the author. The title is centered at the top of the page (for MLA the title is Works Cited; for APA the title is References). Entries all use a hanging indent: ...
When a source has two authors, place both authors’ last names in the body of your work (Handbook232). The last names do not need to be listed in alphabetical order. Instead, follow the same order as shown on the source. In an MLA in-text citation, separate the two last names with...
For the publisher Note #1: if the name of the publisher ends with eitherPublisherorPublishing, omit it. Note #2: if the publisher is a “University Press” – change it to UP. With multiple books,list the books by the author’s last name, in alphabetical order. (example with my fictio...
MLA standards include: Double-spaced lines; Times New Roman 12, one-inch for all margins; Bibliographical list of works cited; Alphabetical order for authors and alphabetical order for works (if there is more than one of one scientist); Direct in-text citations have only name and page, with... is the smarter citation machine and bibliography maker to format MLA 7th edition citation and bibliography reference lists for academic and student assignments. This free online MLA 7th edition citation maker with footnotes generator includ
Organize entries alphabetically by author.If there is no author, use the title and maintain alphabetical order. If the title starts with a number, act as if the number has been spelled out, and alphabetize according to the first letter of the written version of the number. However, do not...
Follow these formatting guidelines for the MLA reference page: Create a new page and title it "References" in bold and centered at the top of the page. List the references in alphabetical order. For each entry, indent all lines after the first line ½ inch from the left margin (“hang...
Use Cite This For Me’s FREE MLA format citation generator to get accurate MLA citations in seconds. Sign up now to cite all of your sources in the MLA format.
MLA Works Cited Format and Examples MLA Citation Notes: Book (one author) Book (two or more authors) Book (with editor) TextbookUpdated 5/8/2007• Works cited should be listed in alphabetical order based on the first letter of each citation. • If the citation is longer than one line...
All sources used for a project are found on the MLA format “Works Cited” page, which is generally the last portion of a project. MLA citing format often includes the following pieces of information, in this order: Author's Last name, First name. "Title of Source." Title of Container,...