The availability of transcriptomic data organized in coherent databases and the development of causal inference methods have paved the way to gene network analysis in grapevine. The identification and visualization of gene-to-gene interactions as networks can contribute to several aims, such as the ...
PlantTFDB 4.0: Toward a central hub for transcription factors and regulatory interactions in plants 2017, Nucleic Acids Research View all citing articles on Scopus 5 Co-first author 6 Present address: Centre for AgriBioscience, School of Life Science, Department of Animal, Plant, and Soil Science...
aGO-term enrichment analysis of the GLK ChIP-seq target genes in each species.bMAPMAN functional category enrichment analysis (Fisher’s exact, two-sided). The heatmap on the right shows the conservation score for each MAPMAN category. Source data are provided as a Source Data file. Full siz...