s--The Cisterna magna (CM) width reference ranges were constructed based on the measurements obtained from 80 healthy fetuses with normal postnatal outcome undergoing routine first-trimester ultrasound at 11-13 weeks, using the Lambda-Mu-Sigma method. CM was measured in the fetal midsagittal view...
6.Lai T -HCheng Y –M,Chang F –M. Prenatal diagnosis oftrisomy21 in a fetus with an enlarged cisterna magna. UltrasoundObstetGynecol2002;20:413-416. 7.RosatiP,GuarigliaL.Transvaginalsonographic measurement of cisterna magna in fetuses with abnormal karyotype. FetalDiagnTher1996; 11: 260-3 8...
Reference ranges of fetal cisterna magna length, area and volume measurements by three-dimensional ultrasoundAna Paula Passos
The mean of fetal cisterna magna volume was 2.61 卤 1.72 cm3 (range, 0.46-9.16 cm3). The best regression was a linear: fetal cisterna magna volume= -6.23+0.35xGA. Importance of the Conclusions Reference range of fetal cisterna magna volume by three-dimensional ultrasound at 20 to 33+6 ...
The isolated mildly enlarged cisterna magna in the third trimester: much ado about nothing? J Ultrasound Med. 2011;30:591-3.Heard AJ, Urato AC. The isolated mildly enlarged cisterna magna in the third trimester: much ado about nothing? J Ultrasound Med 2011; 30: 591-593....
The best regressions were a linear: fetal cisterna magna length= 0.26+0.02xGA (R2=018) and fetal cisterna magna area= -2.40+0.18xGA (R2= 0.57). Importance of the Conclusions Reference intervals to the length and area of fetal cisterna magna by two-dimensional ultrasound at 20 to 33+6 ...
P01.05: Comparative evaluation of the fetal cisterna magna measurement by 2D ultrasonography and 3D eXtended Imaging (3DXI)doi:10.1002/uog.9619L.FetalC.FetalBussamraFetalF.FetalS.FetalB.FetalBarrosFetalL.FetalV.FetalFreitasFetalWileyUltrasound in Obstetrics & Gynecology...
Solt I, Kim MJ, Adeniji AB, Acuna JG, Mirocha J, Rotmen- sch S. OC12.05: Visualization and measurement of the cisterna magna and maximal posterior fossa translucency for spina bifida screening at 11-13 weeks gestation. Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol 2010; 36(S1): 23....
P37.02: The validity of 3D/4D ultrasound technique for evaluation of enlarged cisterna magna compared to fetal magnetic resonance imaging and 2D ultrasonogrphydoi:10.1002/uog.4849I.UijeongbuL.UijeongbuKookUijeongbuA.UijeongbuKimUijeongbuH.Uijeongbu...
P37.02: The validity of 3D/4D ultrasound technique for evaluation of enlarged cisterna magna compared to fetal magnetic resonance imaging and 2D ultrasonogrphyAbstract: No Abstract.doi:10.1002/uog.4849John Wiley And Sons, LtdUltrasound in Obstetrics & Gynecology...