Google Share on Facebook cisterna (redirected fromCisterna magna) Thesaurus Medical Acronyms Wikipedia Related to Cisterna magna:arachnoid cyst cis·ter·na (sĭ-stûr′nə)·ter·nae(-nē) 1.AnatomyA fluid-containing sac or cavity in the body of an organism. Also calledreservoi...
3.SteigerRM, Porto M,LagrewDC, Randall R. Biometry of the fetal cisterna magna: estimates of the ability to detecttrisomy18. UltrasoundObstetGynecol1995; 5: 384-390 4.Chen CP, Hung TH, Jan SW,JengCJ. Enlarged cisterna magna in the third trimester as a clue to fetaltrisomy18. FetalDiagn...
A. BorrellMaternal–Fetal DepartmentUltrasound in Obstetrics & GynecologyGarcia-Posada R, Eixarch E, Sanz M, Puerto B, Figueras F, Borrell A. Cisterna magna width at 11-13 weeks in the detection of posterior fossa anomalies. Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol 2013; 41: 515-520....
Objective: To determine the frequency of isolated mega cisterna magna (MCM) in Saudi population, compare the accuracy of fetal ultrasound with postnatal neuro-imaging, report the associated central nervous system (CNS) anomalies on postnatal neuro-imaging. Study Design: Retrospective study. Place and...
We compared the mass effect of a cyst on the cerebellum with the effect of a large CSF accumulation seen with partial agenesis of the brain.In the report by Drs Adam and Greenberg, the majority of the cases of "mega cisterna magna" as seen ...
In 1954, Benda (Benda 1954) introduced the term Dandy–Walker syndrome to indicate the association of (1) ventriculomegaly of variable degree, (2) a large cisterna magna, and (3) a defect in the cerebellar vermis through which the cyst communicates with the fourth ventricle. Currently, the...
A total of 29 fetuses with a large cisterna magna identified in utero were compared to 35 children with a normal fetal ultrasound. The children were evaluated by the Gesell Developmental Schedules and the Peabody Developmental Motor Scale. The study group showed a significantly worse performance in...