CISSP-变更角色和责任 来源:
1.3.3 Organizational roles and responsibilities 1.3.4 Security control frameworks 1.3.5 Due care/due diligence(这个概念我觉得有点玄乎,有点像心智类的 尽职尽责原则。) 1.7 Develop, document, and implement security policy, standards, procedures, and guidelines(开发,记录,落地实施安全规则、标准、流程以及...
1.3.3 Organizational roles and responsibilities Senior Manager: decision makers, ultimately responsible for organization security, must sign off security policy 決策者 Security Professionals: designing and implementing security solutions; not decision makers but implementer 計劃及執行 Asset Owner: responsible ...
An outline of roles and responsibilities. A call tree to contact these roles and outside entities. A list of computer or forensic experts to contact. A list of steps to take to secure and preserve evidence. A list of items that should be included in a report for management and potentially...
角色和职责(RolesandResponsibilities) 职责分别(SeparationofDutiesandResponsibilities) 工作轮换(JobRotations) 政策,标准,方针和规程(Policies,Standards,GuidelinesandProcedures) 风险治理 风险治理原则 威逼和脆弱性 概率确定(ProbabilityDetermination) 资产评估
A.assigntherolesandresponsibilitiesofthefirewalladministrators,分配防火墙管理员的角色 和职责 B.definetheintendedaudiencewhowillreadthefirewallpolicy.定义需要读取防火墙策略的目 标读者 C.identifymechanismstoencouragecompliancewiththepolicy.确定鼓励遵守政策的机制 D.performariskanalysistoidentifyissuestobeaddressed.进行...
来源: 变更管理是以受控的方式访问、批准、实施和审查变更的一组。每个角色负责完成特定的任务。在变更管理中确定的角色是: 一、变更经理Change Manager ...
A)应用监控 程序 B)C关于图形控制 程序 C)安全审核 程序 D)软件修补 程序 2.[单选题]The FIRST step in building a firewall is to构建防火墙的第一步是 A)assign the roles and responsibilities of the firewall administrators. 分配防火墙管理 员的角色和职责。 B)define the intended audience who will...
Killtest 分享CISSP 题库 NZZV ]]] QORRZKYZ IT ▲ Ҳ ԟ ԇ
assign the roles and responsibilities of the firewall ad m inist rato rs,分配防火墙管理员的角色 和职责 B. define the intended audience who will read the firewall p o licy .定义需要读取防火墙策略的目 标读者 C. identify mechanisms to encourage compliance with the p o licy .确定鼓励遵守政策...