cisgenderObjective To study eight types of sexual assault among cisgender women, cisgender men and gender minority college students, estimating the prevalence of perpetration by persons of particular gender identities. Participants and Methods: 13,685 sexual assault survivors were surveyed. For each ...
Acoustic Predictors of Gender Attribution, Masculinity-Femininity, and Vocal Naturalness Ratings Amongst Transgender and Cisgender Speakers.doi:10.1016/j.jvoice.2018.10.002Teresa L.D. HardyJana M. RiegerKristopher WellsCarol A. BoliekJ Voice
This data visualization uses original survey data (N = 2,483) to display the means and 95 percent confidence intervals of responses to self-rated masculinity and femininity for cisgender men and women. Across all racial groups, there are high levels of masculinity and femininity...