預設情況下,WLC 會維護兩個映像,分別為主要映像和備份映像。主要映像是 WLC 使用的作用中映像,而備份映像的用途為作用中映像的備份。 控制器開機載入器(ppcboot)會儲存作用中主要映像和備份映像的副本。如果主要映像損毀,您可以使用開機載入器以備份映像開機。
WLC 从 WLAN 上的客户端收到 DHCP 请求时,会通过其管理 IP 地址将该请求中继到 DHCP 服务器。 WLC 显示其虚拟 IP 地址作为客户端的 DHCP 服务器,该地址必须是一个不可路由的地址,通常配置为。 WLC 通过其虚拟 IP 地址将 DHCP 中继从 DHCP 服务器转发到无线客户端。
AP 能否与 WLC 通信? 确保AP从DHCP获取地址(检查DHCP服务器租用AP的MAC地址)。 从控制器对AP执行ping操作。 检查交换机上的STP配置是否正确,这样不会阻止发送到VLAN的数据包。 如果ping 成功,确保 AP 至少可以通过一种方法发现至少一个可进入控制器的单个 WLC 控制台或 telnet/ssh 以运行调试。
明白了,不确定是否我的账号权限的限制,没有enable和configuration terminal命令,只有show命令,help等比如config interface address 这是配置无线控制器接口的命令config wlan 配置wlan相关参数,基本上wlc的配置命令都是config开头的,你可以去试试看 0 有帮助 回复 zhangsj@szlink.com.cn Spotlight 发布...
Solved: Hi everybody I work with a Cisco 8540 WLC and I have to extract some connection statistics. Is there some command to list... - all clients connected to a specific SSID? - all clients connected to a specific APGroup? - all clients connected
From the CLI, use these commands to create a local net user:. config netuser add <username> <password> wlan <wlan_id> userType permanent description <description>—Adds a permanent user to the local user database on the WLC. config netuser add <username> <password> {wlan | guestlan} ...
WLC checks Connection with other devices AP checks RF checks Client checks Packet Drops Client Checks After we have verified AP and RF health then we can focus on client connectivity. Using “show wireless summary” we can see the total number of clients connected. In addition, we can find ...
设置如下: Router1: hostname router1 username router2 password xxx inte...
Step 3:Backup WLC configuration You need a tftp server in your network that is reachable from WLC Navigate to COMMANDS tab in WLC GUI and choose UPLOAD FILE menu Specify File Type (Configuration), Transfer Mode (TFTP), IP Address (TFTP Server IP), File Path (./ incase its at root folde...
IGMP_ONLY Commands used to verify mDNS on the Cisco WLC: show mdns profile summary show mdns profile detail profile-name show mdns service summary show mdns service detail service-name show interface det interface-name show interface group detail interface-group-name show wlan wlan-id show client...