答:表2列出了Cisco 1800系列上不支持的WIC,以及能提供相同或增强功能的替代WIC。 表2 Cisco 1841路由器上不支持的WIC 不支持的WIC 替代WIC WIC-1DSU-T1 WIC-1DSU-T1-V2 WIC-1B-S/T WIC-1B-S/T-V3 WIC-1B-U WIC-1B-U-V2 WIC-1SHDSL-V2 WIC-1SHDSL-V2计划于05年第一季度起提供支持;...
WIC-1ADSL-DG WIC-1ADSL-I-DG HWIC-1ADSL HWIC-1ADSLI HWIC-1VDSL EHWIC-VA-DSL-A EHWIC-VA-DSL-B EHWIC-VA-DSL-M SHDSL RJ-11C/CA11A, lavender RJ-11 straight-through for 2-wire RJ-14 straight-through for 4-wire WIC-1SHDSL WIC-1SHDSL-V2 WIC-1SHDSL-V3 RJ-11 RJ-11 straight...
Single Port G.SHDSL WAN Interface Card (WIC-1SHDSL-V3) A single port multi line G.SHDSL WAN interface card (WIC), or WIC-1SHDSL-V3, provides Multirate Symmetrical High-Speed Digital Subscriber Line (G.SHDSL) feature support for Two-Wire Mode and Four-Wire Mode for SHDSL on the Cisco ...
12.3(14)T Support was added for Cisco 1800 series routers and the Cisco 2801 integrated services router. 12.4(2)XA and 12.4(2)XA1 Support was added for the WIC-1SHDSL-V3 interface card. Limitations and Restrictions There are no known limitations or restrictions. Caveats...
The ATM Mode for Two-Wire or Four-Wire SHDSL feature adds 4-wire support in fixed line-rate mode only on a WIC-1SHDSL-V2 or WIC-1SHDSL-V3 interface card. 2-wire mode supports 2-wire line-rate and auto line-rate. This feature builds on the existing features of the Mu...
1 WIC、VWIC(データ専用)またはHWICスロット1 2 WIC、VWIC(データ専用)またはHWICスロット0 図1-8 Cisco 2600シリーズ ルータのインターフェイス カード スロットの位置(Cisco 2612ルータの例) 1 ネットワーク モジュール スロット 2 WICスロット1 3 WICスロット...
Cisco 1841路由器(图1)专为安全数据连接而设计,与前几代Cisco 1700系列路由器相比,提供了五倍以上的性能提高,经由Cisco IOSò软件安全镜像支持基于硬件的集成加密,且大大提高了接口卡性能和密度,同时继续支持30多种Cisco 1700系列现有WAN接口卡(WIC)和多路复用中继卡(话音/WIC [VWIC])——在Cisco 1841路由器上仅...
For the LTE/5G NIM, the unit argument identifies the router slot, WIC slot, and port separated by slashes (0/1/0). The default profile index is 1 and is not allowed to configure the slice type. Procedure Command or ActionPurpose Step 1 profile id id apn...
PID: WIC-1SHDSL-V3 , VID: V02 , NAME: "2nd generation two port BRI voice interface daughtercard on Slot 0 SubSlot 1", DESCR: "2nd generation two port BRI voice interface daughtercard" PID: VIC2-2BRI-NT/TE , VID: V02 , NAME: "2nd generation two port BRI voice interface daugh...