I have a client who brought a building with Cisco Equipment already installed in some of the conference rooms. The cameras are all unplugged and sitting in the back of the room. We do not know which camera's go to which set up. Is there a list of
Webex Room Kit Plus 的默认组件:Webex Codec Plus、Webex Quad 摄像头、Webex Room Navigator Webex Room Kit Plus 突出的功能和差异化为大中型房间带来更多智能 Webex Room Kit Plus 是盒装视频创新,为您的大中型房间团队协作室带来更多智能和可用性。虽然其他人仍在努力将扬声器跟踪、无线共享和 4K 内容等高级功...
Cisco Webex Room Kit Plus – サブスクリプション価格(MSRP*) ● Cisco Webex Codec Plus ● Cisco Webex Quad Camera ● Cisco Touch 10 制御ユニット ● Cisco Webex サービス CS-KITPLUS-MSRP-K9 CS-CODEC-PLUS+ CS-QUADCAM+ CTS-CTRL-DVX-10 A-SPK-SH-RMK(A-SPK-SH) TTC7-25 TTC8...
●Cisco Webex Codec Plus ●Cisco Precision 60カメラ ●Cisco Touch 10制御ユニット オプションのハードウェアコンポーネント ●Cisco Table Microphone 20、Codec Plus用壁面取り付け、ケーブル 帯域幅 ●最大6 Mbpsポイントツーポイント ...
Cisco Webex Room Kit Plus P60视频会议是一个功能强大的协作解决方案,与平板显示器集成,为您的协作空间带来更多智能和多功能性。该软件包结合了Cisco Webex Room Kit Plus编解码器(Codec Plus)的性能和Cisco Precision 60摄像头的灵活性,可在您需要特殊摄像机放置,物体关闭或宽平移/倾斜/缩放的情况下提供最大的灵...
If your customers like the Cisco Webex Room 55 all-in-one, they’ll love the newRoom 55 Dual. Based on the design of the MX700, the Room 55 Dual features two 55-inch screens, a built-in quad camera bar, wifi, Bluetooth, and the Codec Plus as its technology platform. This gives yo...
Cisco devices and Webex are utilizing the intelligence that is built into our cameras to dynamically give you the best view in a meeting - regardless of where you join from. Watch Video Reimagine your workspaces. Explore a full range of workspaces and easily deployable blueprints to equip your...
Cisco Webex Devices 使用者指南说明书
● Cisco Webex Codec Plus ● Cisco Webex Quad相机 ● Cisco Touch 10控制单元 ● 四相机壁挂式安装 可选的硬件组件 ● Cisco Table Microphone 20,Codec Plus壁挂式安装,电缆 带宽 ● 点对点最高6 Mbps 分辨率/帧速率的最小带宽 ...
BYOD converters enable the older generation of Cisco devices such as the Room 55, Room 70, Codec Plus, Codec Pro, MX700 MX800, and SX80 to function in BYOD mode and send the camera HDMI and audio signals to a USB input. More information on how to set it up in theUSB mode article....