I have the two n9k configured with vpc domain: vpc domain 1peer-switchrole priority 8000system-priority 8000peer-keepalive destination source vrf FT_LINKpeer-gatewaylayer3 peer-routerip arp synchronize the port channel for the vpc peer-link allows all Vlans First problem...
9396-A# show vpcLegend: (*) - local vPC is down, forwarding via vPC peer-linkvPC domain id : 1 Peer status : peer adjacency formed ok vPC keep-alive status : peer is alive Configuration consistency status : success Per-vlan consistency status : success Type-2 consistency status : ...
VPC Peer - 指的是通过vPC Peer-link链接的两台相邻交换机,其它设备通过Multi-Channel Ethernet (MEC)跟这两台交换机链接。 VPC Peer-link - 用于同步和转发两台VPC PEER的数据,包括组播,广播,单播等。需要至少10G以上的端口链接。 VPC Peer Keepalive Link - 提供一个L3通道来再次验证两个VPC PEER是否运作正常。
为了启用 vPC 对等交换机增强功能,两个 vPC 对等体必须采用完全相同的生成树协议配置(包括所有 vPC VLAN 的生成树优先级值),并且要成为所有 vPC VLAN 的根网桥。满足这些必备条件后,必须使用 peer-switch vPC 域配置命令启用 vPC 对等交换机增强功能。 注意:仅在包含所有 VLAN 的根的 vPC 域上支持 vPC 对等交...
Check that the necessary configurationparametersare consistent on both sides of the vPC peer link. 检查在vPC Peer链路的两端,需要配置的参数是一致的 You may experience minimal trafficdisruptionwhile configuring vPCs. 当配置vPCs时,可能会经历短暂的流量中断 ...
N3k-core-01# show vpcLegend:(*) - local vPCisdown, forwarding via vPC peer-linkvPC domain id :30Peer status : peer adjacency formed okvPC keep-alive status : peerisaliveConfiguration consistency status : successPer-vlan consistency status : successType-2consistency status : successvPC role :...
这是一种保护 VPC Peer-link 的机制。启用 vpc peer-gateway 后,交换机复制本地 interface vlan MAC 地址给它的 vpc peer,复制过去的 MAC 地址在它的 vpc peer 的MAC地址表中使用 G flag(Gateway flag)进行标记。 我们在实验环境中对vpc peer-gateway 进行了观察:...
(config-vlan)# exit 创建vpc域 n9k-2(config)# vpc domain 1 2018 Nov 29 08:38:14 n9k-2 %$ VDC-1 %$ %STP-2-VPC_PEERSWITCH_CONFIG_DISABLED: vPC peer-switch configuration is disabled. Please make sure to change spanning tree "bridge" priority as per the recommended guidelines. 配置vpc...
vPC domain id : 1 Peer status : peer adjacency formed ok vPC keep-alive status : peer is alive Configuration consistency status : success Per-vlan consistency status : success Type-2 consistency status : success vPC role : primary, operational secondaryNumber of vPCs configured : 5 Peer ...
2.启用了vpc peer-gateway后,VPC vlan SVI 接口ICMP or ICMPV6 rediret packests 会自动被关闭,所有的VPC VLAN SVI接口上面自动配置了no ip redirects and no ipv6 redirects 。 可以局部针对特定VLAN 关闭gateway特性。 e: The peer-gateway exclude-vlan<vlan-id>vPC domain configuration command is not suppo...