语音和统一通信 : Cisco VG224 语音网关Cisco VG Voice Gateway
Overview of the Cisco VG224 Voice Gateway This chapter provides a brief description of the Cisco VG224 voice gateway (VG) and contains the following sections:• Overview, page 1-1• Cisco VG224 Voice Gateway Deployment, page 1-4• Interfaces and Service Capabilities, page 1-4• Physica...
Cisco VG224 语音网关 快速说明书 Cisco VG224 语音网关包括许可证和保修证书 1Cisco 90 天有限硬件保修条款2相关文档 3设备、工具和附件 4产品序列号位置 5安装机箱 6连接线缆 7Cisco VG224 的开机 8执行初始配置 9文档反馈 10Cisco 产品安全性概述 11获取文档和提交服务请求 ...
http://www.cisco.comProducts and Services(产品和服务)> Voice Gateways(语音网关)> Cisco VG224 Voice Gateway(Cisco VG224 语音网关) 在Cisco 原网站 (Cisco Connection Online) 的以下位置: http://www.cisco.com/univercd/home/home.htm 提示
Cisco VG224 Voice Gateway Hardware Installation Guide A method for avoiding directory conflicts across a file system having multiple nodes with one node representing a token manager. For each directory, at least one metanode responsible for directory updates. The method involving obtaining ... CVS ...
The Cisco VG 224 is a Cisco IOS high-density 24-port gateway for analog phones, fax machines, modems, and speakerphones within an enterprise voice system based on Cisco CallManager. Having these devices tightly integrated with the IP-based phone system is advantageous for increased manageability...
If so, do some of these gateways fail more than others when handling fax calls with this VG224? You should be aware that these sorts of problems can be painful to track down. If possible find a reproduceable failure and then post the config of the other voice ...
VG224 Cisco Voice Gateway Memory VG224 Cisco Voice Gateway Memory Cisco 7800 Series Media Convergence Servers (MCS-7815, MCS-7820, MCS-7822, MCS-7825, MCS-7830, MCS-7835, MCS-7845) Cisco Network Hardware Cisco Network Hardware CSS-11801...
What I'm guessing is happening is that the voice-port itself is getting in a BAD state. This makes the router think that the port is down. When the port is down, it doesn't try to register. When the port is reset/reloaded on MGCP or CCM, the gateway by default does a ...
Cisco Access Gateways & Digital Gateway VG224 24 Port Voice over IP analog phone gateway 6 VG248 48 Port Voice over IP analog phone gateway 8 Cisco Call Manager MCS-7835-H1-ECS1 MCS 7835-HP; rack; 2GB; RAID 1; Win2K 10 MCS-7845-H1-ECS2 MCS 7845-HP; UM-4HDD; rack; 4GB; RA...