For this sample configuration, it is set as Port. Use Port Channel if your environment requires it. Select the desired ethernet uplink for this Pin Group. Pin Group for Management Repeat the procedure for the uplink. For this sample configuration, the secon...
Port Configurations: Physical Ports 1-8 can be configured as Uplink Ports, FCoE Uplink Ports, FCoE Storage Ports, and Appliance Ports. Port Conversions: All port conversions support up to 8 standard ports or 8 breakout ports. ...
I'm faily new to networking so bare with me. Tonight, I created an uplink coming from an HP procurve switch to my Cisco 9300. The trunk port is UP and I can view my cameras on the VLAN, but I'm seeing a weird flapping in the logs of the HP side. The Cisco log shows noth...
Old Switch configuration uplink port 49: Interface settings: Trunk, Administrative PVID:1 Port to VLAN: tagged Port VLAN Membership: Administrative VLANs: 1UP, 21T, 22T, 23T, 120T Operational VLANs: 1UP, 21T, 22T, 23T, 120T New Switch configuration uplink port 47 Interface ...
作为网络隔离使用:对于一些功能好的交换机,可以通过模式选择开关选择网络隔离模式,实现网络隔离的作用,可以只允许普通端口和UPlink端口通讯,普通端口之间是相互隔离不可以通讯的 除了作为核心交换机(中心交换机)使用,还可以作为扩展交换机(接入交换机)来扩展网络 放在路由器上方,扩展网络供应商的网络线路...
仅在装有 VMware vDistributed Switch 的 vSphere ESXi 5.1 和 5.5 上支持 LACP。有关详细信息,请参见Enabling or disabling LACP on an Uplink Port Group using the vSphere Web Client (2034277)和What’s New in VMware vSphere 5.1 – Networking白皮书。
description "uplink" ip address standby 10 ip 查看命令:show standby 17.VTP配置 switch#vlan database switch(config-vlan)# vtp domain domain-name switch(config-vlan)# vtp mode { server | client |transparent }...
uplink-fast Enable Uplink fast vlan VLAN configuration vlan-membership VLAN membership server configuration vtp Global VTP configuration commands (config)#SiostBiame SW1912 SW1912(config)#enabSe password ? level Set exec level password SW1912(config)#enable password level 1 pass1 SW1912(config)#en...
\Any idea how I should configure this particular port to work with the firewall? On all other uplink ports I have the cisco switch macro applied except this port Thanks tony Hello, There's a problem in a spanning-tree between your fw and Cat4k. ...
!--- of show port status for CatOS. 如果show port显示已连接或 show interfaces 显示“up/ line protocol up (connected)”,但您看到其中一个命令的输出中错误数量在增加,请参阅“了解 CatOS 和 Cisco IOS 的特定端口和接口计数器输出”,或本文档的“常见端口和接口问题”部分以获得故障排除建议。