. . . 67 2 Cisco UCS B420 M4 Blade Server OVERVIEW OVERVIEW Designed for demanding virtualization and database workloads, the UCS B420 M4 combines a large memory footprint with four-socket scalability, leveraging the Intel® Xeon® processor E5-4600 v3 and v4 product family. The UCS B420...
Cisco UCS B420 M4 Blade Server Data SheetCisco UCS Mini
BIOS Cisco Systems B420M4.4.0.2b.0.0417191110 Board Cisco Systems UCSB-B420-M4 Disk LSI UCSB-MRAID12G Mouse ILI Technology Corp. Cisco Virtual Keyboard and Mouse (0624:0402) Network Cisco Systems VIC Ethernet NIC VIC 1340 MLOM Ethernet NIC (1137:0043 1137:012c) Processor Intel Corp....
系列Cisco UCS B系列刀片服务器 概述产品概述 状态支持终止EOL 详细信息 更换UCS B480 M5 刀片服务器 发布日期01-JUN-2015 销售终止日期14-FEB-2019 支持终止日期29-FEB-2024 产品ID Visio 图表(142 MB .zip file) 思科不再支持此模型。 有关某些SSD模块,请参阅现场通知FN-70545— 建议进行升级。
Cisco UCS 6296UP 96-Port Fabric InterconnectCisco UCS 6248UP 48-Port Fabric Interconnect Cisco UCS B-Series Blade Servers Cisco UCS B460 M4 Blade ServerCisco UCS B420 M4 Blade ServerCisco UCS B260 M4 Blade ServerCisco UCS B200 M5 Blade ServerCisco UCS B200 M4 Blade Server Cisco UCS C-Series...
Servidor blade UCS B420 M4: Acceda a especificaciones de productos, documentos, descargas, galerías de símbolos de Visio, imágenes de productos y contenido de la comunidad.
UCS B420 M4 UCS C220 M4 UCS C240 M4 受影響的韌體: RAID控制器韌體: 24.5.x.x和24.6.x.x 範例# ***mrsasctlr.24.5.0-0043_6.19.05.0_NA.bin 在3.2之前的所有UCSM版本中均可看到24.5.x.x控制器韌體。* 3.1 #版本說明 https://www.cisco.com/c/en/...
Cisco UCS 6296UP 96-Port Fabric InterconnectCisco UCS 6248UP 48-Port Fabric Interconnect Cisco UCS B-Series Blade Servers Cisco UCS B460 M4 Blade ServerCisco UCS B420 M4 Blade ServerCisco UCS B260 M4 Blade ServerCisco UCS B200 M5 Blade ServerCisco UCS B200 M4 Blade Server Cisco UCS C-Series...
UCS B200 M5UCS B480 M5UCS B420 M4 UCS C220 M4 UCS C240 M4 受影响的固件: RAID控制器固件: 24.5.x.x和24.6.x.x 示例#***mrsasctlr.24.5.0-0043_6.19.05.0_NA.bin 24.5.x.x控制器固件在3.2.*之前的所有UCSM版本中都可见。* 3.1 #版本说明 https://www...
Cisco UCS 6296UP 96-Port Fabric InterconnectCisco UCS 6248UP 48-Port Fabric Interconnect Cisco UCS B-Series Blade Servers Cisco UCS B460 M4 Blade ServerCisco UCS B420 M4 Blade ServerCisco UCS B260 M4 Blade ServerCisco UCS B200 M5 Blade ServerCisco UCS B200 M4 Blade Server Cisco UCS C-Series...