type 5 passwords are really hard to crack, especially since Cisco uses I think the 'salted' version of the hash. That said, if you are willing to dive into some dark hacker cracker stuff, here are two links to scripts you can use (I hope posting those links does not earn me jail ti...
type 5 passwords are really hard to crack, especially since Cisco uses I think the 'salted' version of the hash. That said, if you are willing to dive into some dark hacker cracker stuff, here are two links to scripts you can use (I hope posting those links does not earn me jail ti...
Clone this repository: git clone https://github.com/hebertcisco/PDFCrackerYou need a wordlist ("wordlist.txt) in order to use this script, and you need an authenticated PDF file (file.pdf).Open the directory and run the script line:$ git clone https://github.com/hebertcisco/PDFCracker...
Router(config)#enable secret my-secret-password Router(config)#^Z A show run now displays: enable secret 5 $1$Guks$Ct2/uAcSKHkcxNKyavE1i1e This type of encryption cannot be reversed. The only way to attack it is though brute force methods. You should always use the enable secret ...
# kadmin/dbutil/kdb5_util Usage: kdb5_util cmd [-r realm] [-d dbname] [-k mkeytype] [-M mkeyname] [-m] [cmd options] create [-s] destroy [-f] stash [-f keyfile] dump [-old] [-ov] [-b6] [-verbose] [filename [princs...]] load [-old] [-ov] [-b6] [-verbose...
Cisco ASA 5580 適応型セキュリティ アプライアンス バージョン 8.1 対応オープン ソース ソフトウェア ライセンス 6 OL-15722-01-J 通告 5. You may charge a reasonable copying fee for any distribution of this Package. You may charge any fee you choose for support of this Package. ...
status=$(curl -LI $line"/+CSCOT+/oem-customization?app=AnyConnect&type=oem&platform=..&resource-type=..&name="$read -o /dev/null -w '%{http_code}\n' -s) if [ $status -eq "400" ]; then echo "$line/+CSCOT+/oem-customization?app=AnyConnect&type=oem&platform=..&resource-type...
show control-plane host open-ports:On newer IOS you can type a command to get a full output of ports and services. You must be running 12.4(x)T or newer, which includes the 15.x train. I don’t think this command has been ported to switches yet. ...
2d15h: ICMP type=0, code=0 2d15h: 在Cisco WAN路由器上执行debug ip policy命令后,我们可以看到数据包被传递到 了防火墙, Debug commands run from Cisco_WAN_Router: "debug ip policy" 2d15h: IP: s= (Ethernet3/0), d=, len 100, policy match ...
http://www.ifm.net.nz/cookbooks/cisco-ios-enable-secret-password-cracker.html or another method to bypass it using solarwinds https://support.solarwinds.com/Success_Center/Engineer%27s_ToolSet_(ETS)/Decrypting_Type_5_secret_passwords or through python http://breakinsecurity.com/cracking-cisco-...