stack unit {unit-id | all} Parameters unit-id— Select a specific unit. All commands after this command refer to this unit. Unit must be member in the stack. (Range: 1–4). all—Select all the units in the stack. Default Configuration None Command Mod...
If the command syntax check in the running configuration of the active switch fails while the standby switch is booting, use theredundancy config-sync mismatched-commandscommand to display the Mismatched Command List (MCL) on the active switch and to reboot the ...
I want to see the complete output to the following commands: sh version sh platform resources (Remove the hostname. I want to see EVERYTHING.) Next, I want to only see the "first page" -- Do not send the complete output. First page only. sh processes memory platform sorted lo...
*** Stack adapter authentication failed on stack port 1 on switch 1 *** Stack Adapter Auth Fail : SIF_SERDES_CABLE_EASTBOUND 从字面意思不难看出交换机1的port1上的堆叠模块有问题。 为了验证这个模块问题,我们先后将port1上的堆叠模块移到了port2上,然后又从switch1上移到了switch2上,总之这个模块移...
Solved: If I have 4 switches configures as a stack - where StackWise ports are connected as 1 to 2, 2 to 3, 3 to 4 and 4 to 1. Switch1 is the master. If something were to break stack connectivity between 4 to 1 stack still works as Switch 4 still
switch1# show vstack config Role: Client (SmartInstall enabled) . switch2# show vstack config Capability: Client Oper Mode: Enabled Role: Client 来自show vstack config命令输出的Role:Client和Oper Mode:Enabled或Role:Client(已启用SmartInstall)信息确认设备上已启用了该功能。
Step 1. Open a SSH connection to the Catalyst 9300 switch Step 2. Check the subscription configured on the device using the following IOS XE CLI C9300# show run | sec telemetry Lets analyze the main parts of the subscription configuration: telemetry ietf subscription 101 (subscription ID) enco...
switchstacks堆叠ciscostack交换机 CHAPTER 5-1 Catalyst3750SwitchSoftwareConfigurationGuide OL-8550-04 5 ManagingSwitchStacks ThischapterprovidestheconceptsandprocedurestomanageCatalyst3750switchstacks. NoteForcompletesyntaxandusageinformationforthecommandsusedinthischapter,seethecommand referenceforthisrelease. Thischapte...
Switch(config)# interface range macro macro-name Suppose, for example, that you need to configure Gigabit Ethernet 2/0/1, 2/0/3 through 2/0/5, 3/0/1, 3/0/10, and 3/0/32 through 3/0/48 with a set of identical interface configurations. You could use the following commands to de...
Otherwise, you need to upgrade the license level and then reload the switch. To review the installed license in a member switch, enter these commands. In this example, member switches have the same license level: Stack-1# show license all switch 1 ...