你可以这样设置: R1(config)#privilegeinterfacelevel 14 ip add 如果好要看其他信息,就逐句添加吧。比如: wxxq01(config)#privilege configure all level 14 ip //查看configure模式下ip命令后面的所有命令。 自己尝试一下才可以加深印象!
Note: This step is to remove any security commands that can lock you out of the router. Copy the configuration file from the FTP server to a router in privileged (enable) mode which has a basic configuration. Router#copy ftp: running-configAddress or name of remote host []?
Cisco is a worldwide technology leader. Our purpose is to power an inclusive future for all through software, networking, security, computing, and more solutions.
5.1. Default Gateway on a Switch // 各个interface的信息, ip地址, 查看子网掩码等(以及vty, console的密码等) show running-config // 管道 show run | include mask show run | begin mask // 查看是否使能每个interfaces, no shutdown show ip interface brief show ipv6 interface brief // 查看route...
Boot the switch.Switch: boot Once the switch has booted you can copy the saved config back into the running config.Switch# copy start runn Next set your password(s). Remove the variables we set in Boot Loader.Switch# no system ignore startupconfig switch all Save your new config.Switch#...
Hey everyone,We’re still using the on-prem Cisco Meeting Server (CMS), but it’s starting to feel like the product has been abandoned. There haven’t been any significant new features or clear roadmaps from Cisco in a long time.Does anyone know if ther... ...
Step 1. Open a SSH connection to the Catalyst 9300 switch Step 2. Check the subscription configured on the device using the following IOS XE CLI C9300# show run | sec telemetry Lets analyze the main parts of the subscription configuration: ...
E.saveramnvram Selectthe1bestanswer题目大意:那个命令是将路由器的配置文件从RAM中拷贝到NVARM中。题解: RAM:相当于计算机的内存,但掉电的时候,内存里面的东西将会丢失。 NVARM:相当于计算机的硬盘,但掉电的时候,硬盘里面的东西不会丢失。 在语句中的Running-config是存在于RAM中,Startup-config存在于NVRAM,"...
PC Objectives Part 1: Co ∙ Cable ∙ Config ∙ Config Part 2: Ve ∙ Displa ∙ Test e ∙ Test r ∙ Save Backgroun Cisco swi with an IP switch to d In this lab console a demonstra one switc Note : The switches a command Note : Ma your instru Required R ∙ 1 Swi d...
senttootherdevices. Step4switch(config)#copyrunning-config(Optional) startup-configCopiestherunningconfigurationtothestartup configuration. switch#configt switch(config)#cdpadvertisev1 switch(config)#showcdpglobal GlobalCDPinformation: CDPenabledglobally SendinPpacketsevery60seconds Sendingaholdtimevalueof180...