CiscoDevice(config-line)#transport input none<– disable Telnet and everything else If you do the above config, the only way to connect to the router or switch is with direct console access. Controlled Access to Telnet Another way to control Telnet access to routers and switches is to apply...
Switch(config)#username admin privilege 0 secret cisco // 设置系统用户名和密码 Switch(config)# Switch(config)#service password-encryption // 启动密码加密服务 Switch(config)# Switch(config)#enable secret 123456 // 设置进入特权模式的密码 Switch(config)# Switch(config)#exit // 退出到上一级 Switch...
Switch(config-line)#login Switch(config-line)#exit Switch(config)#int vlan 1->设置登陆的vlan Switch(config-if)#ip add192.168.1.1>设置Switch IP地址 Switch(config-if)#no shut->开启端口 Switch(config)#exit Switch#write->保存配置 Building configuration... [OK] Switch#...
But what happens now is that I cannot login via telnet neither. Only console login is left. I tried to figure it out, but this password / encryption stuff at Cisco is an impervious jungle to me and I don't want to lock myself out of this switch. If anyone has an advice to me pl...
telnet Enable/Disable telnet Command Mode /exec/configure feature tunnel [no] feature tunnel Syntax Description no (Optional) Negate a command or set its defaults feature Command to enable/disable features tunnel Enable/Disable Tunnel ...
switch#show vstack config Role: Client (SmartInstall disabled) Vstack Director IP address: 僅使用SMI功能進行零接觸部署的客戶 完成非接觸式安裝後,停用SMI客戶端功能,或使用no vstack命令。 要將no vstack命令傳播到網路中,請使用以下方法之一: ...
switch(config-line)#transport input ssh /有Telnet协议不安全,仅允许通过ssh协议进行远程登录管理 6、AAA安全配置 switch(config)#aaa group server tacacs+ acsserver /设置AAA服务器组名 switch(config-sg-tacacs+)#server x.x.x.x /设置AAA服务器组成员服务器ip switch(config-sg-tacacs+)#...
(config)#do sh run | in user //检查用户创建情况,并通过其他的设备telnet/ssh登陆设备进行登陆测试 username admin secret 5 $1$zGBP$YwtodnP/5/iv/2uVGSInJ1 username ilay secret 5 $1$B8D2$oBZ0lBkzS7vVotgsyTpuW1 username ilay2 privilege 15 secret 5 $1$f4EF$lzNh2WY...
命令提示符:>Switch>?Exec commands:connect Open a terminal connection disable Turn off privileged commands disconnect Disconnect an existing network connection enable Turn on privileged commands exit Exit from theEXEClogout Exit from theEXECping Send echo messages ...
设置CONSOLE口登陆密码为cisco,且只有Login命令打了之后才会生效。(telnet线路为VTY口登陆,方法同样) Router(config-line)#exec-timeout 0设置线路空闲超时时间,0为永不超时 Router(config-line)#logging synchronous设置syslog消息同步。作用:在命令打到一半的时候不会因为弹出的syslog信息而找不到以前打的内容,自动另...