Switch(dhcp-config)#ip dhcp pool vlan1_baoliu //单独为MAC地址为的机器分配地址;不一定要配置 Switch(dhcp-config)#host10.56.1.2255.255.255.0 Switch(dhcp-config)#client-identifier 0050.bade.8888(client-identifier=01加上客户机网卡地址) Switch(dhcp-config)#ip dhcp pool vlan1_保留 Switch(dhcp-conf...
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z. SWITCH(config)# 配置vlan2的ip地址池: SWITCH(config)# ip dhcp pool vlan2 SWITCH(dhcp-config)# network SWITCH(dhcp-config)# default-router SWITCH(dhcp-config)# dns-server 114.114....
Switch(dhcp-config)#network (网络地址) Switch(dhcp-config)#dns-server (DNS 地址) Switch(dhcp-config)#default-router (默认网关) Switch(dhcp-config)#lease 30 (租约期限) Switch(dhcp-config)#netbios-name-server (为客户机配置 wins ...
switch(config)#interface vlan 12 switch(config-if)#ip address VLAN12interfaceIP 接入终端设置对应VLAN的网络地址,默认网关为该VLAN的interface地址。 dhcp服务 1 .CISCO路由器的dhcp服务器功能是在ios 12.0(1)T以后出现的,这一功能的出现,使我们无需再另外配置一台DHCP server,从而降...
实现客户机从DHCP(动态主机配置协议)服务器上获取动态IP地址。 实验步骤: 1、划分VLAN 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Switch>enable Switch#config Configuringfromterminal, memory, or network [terminal]? Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z. ...
在交换机上为不同的VLAN指定DHCP服务器地址 这一步骤只须在不同的VLAN中通过设置IP HELPER-ADDRESS即可搞定,指令如下: switch>enable (进入交换机的特权模式) Password switch #config t (进入配置模式) Enter configuration commands one per line. End with CNTL/Z. ...
switch #config t (进入配置模式) Enter configuration commands one per line. End with CNTL/Z. switch config #interface vlan1 (配置VLAN1) switch config-if #ip helper-address指定DHCP效劳器的地址,即路由器的地址) ghq config-if #interface vlan2 (配置VLAN2) ghq config-if #ip help...
RFC 1534 - DHCP 和 BootP 之间的互操作 RFC 1542 - BootP 的说明与扩展 RFC 2241 - Novell 目录服务的 DHCP 选项 RFC 2242 - Netware/IP 域名和信息 RFC 2489 - 定义新 DHCP 选项的步骤 DHCP 采用客户端-服务器模式,在该模式下,一个或多个服务器(DHCP 服务器)在客户端启动时将 IP 地址和其他可选配...
Step 3: Disable the insertion of option 82 in the DHCP packets SW1(config)#no ip dhcp snooping information option SW2(config)#no ip dhcp snooping information option SW3(config)#no ip dhcp snooping information option NOTE: The above configuration will disable the switch from inserting option 82...
The DHCP server assigns IP addresses from specified address pools on a switch or router to DHCP clients and manages them. If the DHCP server cannot give the DHCP client the requested configuration parameters from its database, it forwards the request to one or more second...