show mem show multicore config show ofdma show oob 55d1 statistics show oob 55d2 restart show oob ds-mapping show oob fpga show oob time sync show provision show ptp clock show redundancy show regproc show sfp info show ssh show startup-capture-files show static l2tp show taca...
Solved: I have an ASA 5515-x and added module ASA-IC-6GE-SFP-A. From the CLI, the interface is showing as GigabitEthernet1/0, and when I enter the command "media-type SFP," it says invalid input. The ASA has an SFP connector, which is up
在Catalyst 4510R 系列交换机上,要同时启用 10 千兆以太网和千兆以太网 SFP 上行链路端口,可以使用可选配置。要同时使用 10 千兆以太网和千兆以太网 SFP 上行链路端口,请发出 hw-module uplink select all 命令。发出命令后,重新启动交换机,否则show interface status module <module number>命令的输出显示上行链路...
As far as I know, there is no command that can tell precisely whether the SFP is a GLC-SX-MM or a GLC-LH-SM. "show inventory" shows the part ID of the SFP installed which can be used to find out the transceiver type. Try "sh idprom interface gix/y". This command reads the co...
show int status Gi0/1 connected trunk a-full a-1000 1000BaseSX SFP 千兆的,SX是多模,10G的SR是多模; LX ZX, LR,LH, ER ZR,等等全部是单模 Command for CatOS Version 8.x for Cat4000 and Cat6000 Switches: Switch (enable)show sprom {mod/port} | include Vendor SN ...
按到手抽筋,也绝对不会看见unsupported-transceiver出现在command list里面;而且没有把完整指令打完,机器也绝对不会接受;至于想要打个unsup再按<tab>键,很抱歉,无效,不知道完整指令的人,永远也别想偷偷用来路不明的GBIC或SFP,呵。 cisco公司特别说明: 用(config)#service unsupported-transceiver指令之后,设备会跳出...
Fa6/1notconnect1 auto auto 10/100BaseTX!--- The show interfaces card-type [slot/port] status command is the equivalent !--- of show port status for CatOS. 如果show port显示已连接或 show interfaces 显示“up/ line protocol up (connected)”,但您看到其中一个命令的输出中错误数量在增加,请参...
sfp-config-mismatch Enabled small-frame Enabled storm-control Enabled udld Enabled vmps Enabled psp Enabled dual-active-recovery Disabled evc-lite input mapping fa Disabled Recovery command: "clear Disabled Timer interval: 300 seconds Interfaces that will be enabled at the next timeout: ...
Switch# show port-security interface fastethernet 0/3 //查看接口f0/3的端口安全配置信息。 Interface : Fa0/3 Port Security: Enabled Port status : down Violation mode:Shutdown Maximum MAC Addresses:8 Total MAC Addresses:0 Configured MAC Addresses:0 ...