Cisco IOS軟體—查詢show interfaces命令的input errors計數器中的錯誤增量。錯誤計數器包括runts、giants、no buffer、CRC、frame、overrun和ignored計數。 請參考文檔排除交換機埠和介面問題,其中解釋了show interfacescommand output. 查詢資源錯誤 CPU使用率高可能會對運行STA的系統造成危險。使用此方法檢查裝置的CPU資源...
--- The show interfaces card-type {slot/port} status command for Cisco IOS !--- displays a status of errdisabled. !--- The show interfaces status errdisabled command shows all the interfaces !--- in this status. Cisco IOS的show logging命令还会显示与errdisable状态相关的错误消息(具体消息格...
If you want to see which interfaces are configured as “Trunk” ports, the above command will show you just this. As shown above, port Fa0/3 is configured as 802.1q Trunk which means it is connected to another switch in order to pass VLANs from one switch to another. As you can see...
ShowIPinterfaceshowswhichinterfaceshaveaccesstotheIP accesslist,showstheroutingprotocolconfiguredonthe routerandthetimersassociatedwitheachroutingprotocol TheshowiproutedisplaystheIProutingtable TheshowIPXaccess-listdisplaystheIPXaccesslist configuredontherouter Trunkonsetsaportasapermanentrelaymode Usemamenamepassword...
show version 查看版本信息 show running-config 查看内存中的配置信息 show interfaces 查看端口信息 这三个命令是我们一定要熟悉使用,并且要理解它们的显示信息。这是最最基本的命令。系统注册值的号码等等。 有人说 show version这个命令有什么重要的,就是显示一下版本号,但是你在显示版本号的同时,一些相应的信息我...
show versin 显示版本号和寄存器值 shut down 关闭接口 no shutdown 打开接口 ip add +ip地址 配置IP地址 secondary+IP地址 为接口配置第二个IP地址 show interface+接口类型+接口号 查看接口管理性 show controllers interface 查看接口是否有DCE电缆 如:R1#show controllers f0/0 ...
// 各个interface的信息, ip地址, 查看子网掩码等 (以及vty, console的密码等) show running-config // 管道 show run | include mask show run | begin mask // 查看是否使能每个interfaces, no shutdown show ip…
20、adcast forwarding is disabled监控及维护端口监控端口和控制器的状态主要命令见下表:Show Commands for Interfaces Command目的show interfaces interface-id显示所有端口或某一端口的状态和配置.show interfaces interface-id status显示一系列端口的状态或错误关闭err-disabled的状态show interfaces interface-id显示二层...
08R1#showstartup-config 09 10/*查看接口是否开启,简写shipintb*/ 11R1#showipinterfacebrief 12 13/*查看接口详细参数,简写shint*/ 14R1#showinterfaces 15 16/*查看接口IP相关参数,简写shipint*/ 17R1#showipinterface 18 19/*查看远程连接用户,简写shu*/ ...