The first time that you log in to the web-based utility of your switch, you have to use the default username and password which is: cisco/cisco. You are then required to enter and configure a new password for the cisco account. Password complexity...
The default username is cisco. The default password is cisco. Usernames and passwords are both case sensitive. Step 7 ClickLog In. If this is the first time that you have logged on with the default username and password, the Change username and Password page opens. The rules for con...
思科(CISCO)SG250-08-K9-CN8口千兆企业交换机690元京东去购买外观展示 工包,第一次用思科的产品,第一感觉非常不错,99新绝对有的 康硕代工,中国制造 SG250交换机本体和手册 电源规格 交换机本体加附件 8个RJ45网络接口,做工非常精致 交换机正面一览,科技感十足,前端进线唯一就是不好理线...
交换机型号是 SG250-08 web管理页面的访问、登录、跳转都很慢,使用wireshark查看发现web页面的TCP连接中有大量的dup ack和retransmission。初步判断页面慢的直接原因可能和TCP连接的异常无关,可能是同一个原因导致的页面处理慢和丢包。 另外用pingplotter测试了一晚上发现每...
By classifying systems using human-friendly logical groups, security rules can be defined using these groups, not IP addresses. Controls using these endpoint roles are more flexible and much easier to manage than using IP address based controls. Scalable Groups, aka Security Groups (SG), ...
Page* Radius Server Valid Username Valid Password Permit Invalid Username Invalid Password Stop 802.1x 认证功能 802.1x 交换机上的radius认证功能运行正常 交换机和radius服务器路由可达 前提条件: Intranet Page* 802.1x 认证功能 Huawei 命令行 设置802.1x 认证模式为 (一般 接入用户认证域为default 域) [...
I dont have the username and password for cisco switch 350 and when try to reset it. the switch not perform factory reset and still need username and password (try the default for cisco/cisco) but no luck to open. kindly advice if any has the same is... 12-23-2024 12:13:55 AM...
Software Upgrade by FTP Huawei command Login the FTP Server, then enter the username and the password on the FTP Server ftp Trying ftp Press CTRL+K to abort Connected to ftp 220 FTP service ready. User ( 331 ...
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思科(CISCO)千兆交换机 48口全千兆交换机 SG250-50-K9-CN 企业级智能交换机 京东价 ¥降价通知 累计评价 0 促销 展开促销 配送至 --请选择-- 支持 品牌名称:思科(CISCO) 商品型号:SG250-50-K9-CN 订货编码:100048688102 包装规格:- 联系供应商