hostname R1 logging console disable line console exec-timeout 0 0 absolute-timeout 0 session-timeout 0 ! line default exec-timeout 0 0 absolute-timeout 0 session-timeout 0 ! end Commit ID : 1000000004 --- Building configuration... line console exec-timeout 0 0...
line con 0 exec-timeout 0 0 transport input none line aux 0 speed 19200 line vty 0 4 session-timeout 60 login ! ntp clock-period 17179977 ntp server end Example: DOCSIS 1.1 Configuration for Cisco uBR7246VXR Router (with BPI+) version 12.2 no ...
To set the interval that the EXEC command interpreter waits for user input before it terminates a session, run the exec-timeout line configuration command. The exec-timeout command must be used to log out sessions on a vty or physical terminal line (tty) that are left idle (inact...
exec-timeout030 loggingsynchronous exit usernameetpasswordet6f enablesecretet6f hostname6F-CORE-SW (2)将核心交换机6F-CORE-SW01上与6F-CORE-SW02相连的接口 TenGigabitEthernet5/4和TenGigabitEthernet5/5配置为EtherChannel: 6F-CORE-SW01(config)#interfacerangetenGigabitEthernet5/4-5 ...
The install wizard opens and starts to run, but soon errors out: 27850.I've found similar issues reported for Windows 7 and 8; however, none of the solutions seem related to this issue.Has anyone experienced this in Windows 10 and found a solution?
aaa accounting exec default start-stop group TACACS-ISEaaa accounting commands 15 default start-stop group TACACS-ISEaaa server radius dynamic-authorclient x.x.x.x server-key 7 xyzclient x.x.x.x server-key 7 abc aaa session-id common match result-type aaa-timeout The configs for begin ...
exec-timeout 4 0password 7 <removed>transport output noneline aux 0session-timeout 5exec-timeout 5 0transport output noneline 2no activation-characterno exectransport preferred nonetransport output pad telnet rlogin lapb-ta mop udptn v120 sshstopbits 1line vty 0 4session-timeout 5access-class...
line con 0 exec-timeout 0 0 transport input none line aux 0 speed 19200 line vty 0 4 session-timeout 60 login ! ntp clock-period 17179977 ntp server end Advanced All-in-One Configuration Example The advanced all-in-one configuration is identical to the basic conf...
line default exec-timeout 0 0 session-timeout 0 ! vty-pool default 0 20 alias alarms show alarms brief system active interface MgmtEth0/RP0/CPU0/0 ipv4 address dhcp no shut ! interface MgmtEth0/RP0/CPU0/1 description noshut-interface-ztp ipv4 address