包名:com.cisco.anyconnect.vpn.android.avf MD5:44C3ACA0D3BB33CAB51EB5B1779252AF 应用介绍 cisco secure client加速器安卓是一款很实用的能够帮助用户快速加速的软件,该软件原名叫AnyConnect,可以为个人计算机、笔记本电脑、PDA等移动设备提供远程访问公司内部安全网络的安全接入服务。cisco secure client安卓版提供了...
包名:com.cisco.anyconnect.vpn.android.avf MD5:29B5544ACBE9BB5FC3B6ABA001BCA8DC Cisco Secure Client加速器是一款能够带给大家更安全更可靠的加速服务的软件,不仅为用户提供了多种加密方案和认证方式来更好的保护大家的信息安全,还有着强大的网络加速功能,想必大家一定也很熟悉这款软件的另一个名字——AnyConnect...
Cisco Secure Client-AnyConnect is Cisco's policy-drivenVPNtool, designed tosecure workers' network accessacross wireless, wired, and VPN connections. This solution provides secure access to the network from any device, at any time, and from anywhere—allowing complete visibility into who is accessin...
如何安装 Cisco Secure Client-AnyConnect 下载APK 文件 应用 来自 apkshki.com. 找到下载的文件。你可以使用任何文件管理器在系统托盘或 "下载 "文件夹中找到它. 如果下载的文件扩展名为 .bin(Android 11 上的 WebView 错误),请使用任何文件管理器将其重命名为 .apk,或尝试使用 Chrome 浏览器等其他浏览器下载...
Cisco Secure Client 适用于 Android 设备 安装 举报应用 关于Cisco Secure Client 大小 42.8 MB 更新时间 2023-01-06 版本 5.0.00238 Build 1
Mobile device threats are prevalent on any network. The Cisco Secure Client with Umbrella module is a roaming client for managed Android devices that offers protection from these threats at the DNS layer. This protection extends to both apps and browser-
Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client Download No matter what platform you use, be it Mac OS X, Windows, iOS, Linux, or Android, the AnyConnect Web Security Client is available on it. It offers excellent connectivity, and allows admins to control the resources or networks to which its endp...
In release 4.8.03645 (and later), Android offers the Cisco Umbrella module forCisco Secure Clientfor Android 6.0.1 and later devices. This roaming client for managed and unmanaged Android devices provides DNS-layer protection, and this protection extends...
- 策略可以在本地配置,并自动从安全网关更新 软件亮点 1、使用 TLS 和 DTLS,根据网络限制自动调整其隧道到最有效的方法; 2、网络漫游功能允许在 IP 地址更改、连接丢失或设备待机后无缝恢复连接; 3、支持使用 Cisco Secure Client 集成 SCEP 和证书导入 URI 处理程序部署证书; ...
Cisco Secure Client for Android and Apple iOS supports localization, adapting the Cisco Secure Client user interface and messages to the user’s locale. Prepackaged Localization The following language translations are included in the ...