crypto key import Thecrypto key importGlobal Configuration mode command imports the DSA/RSA key pair. Use the no form of the command to remove the user key and generate a new default in its place. Syntax crypto key import {dsa| rsa} ...
Hello, I have configured a switch on ios 17.12.4 with the following command ' crypto key generate rsa general-keys modulus 2048.' Upon entering this command the following was output in the console: crypto key generate rsa general-keys modulus 2048'
switchxxxxxx(config)#ip ssh-client authentication public-key rsa ip ssh-client change server password To change a password of an SSH client on a remote SSH server, use theip ssh-client change server passwordcommand in Global Configuration mode. ...
Hello, I need some help on this issue. On some routers and switches I am getting connection refused when trying to SSH to them. Telnet works fine ofcourse. I am thinking it maybe the 'crypto key generate rsa' command is missing? But some of the
R1(config)#crypto key generate rsa # 当提示密钥长度时,输入 1024。注:缺省为 512。 3) 配置用于认证的登录用户名及口令 R1(config)#username admin password cisco 4) 配置 SSH 版本 R1(config)#ip ssh version 2 5) 配置 SSH 会话最大空闲超时值和 SSH 连接认证重试次数 ...
asa5505(config)#crypto key generate rsa //打开SSH服务,产生加密密钥 3、配置密码 asa5505(config)# password cisco //远程密码 asa5505(config)# enable password cisco //特权模式密码 5500 系列防火墙默认的登陆密码是 cisco,你可以使用 password xxxx 来修改这个密码 配置特权密码:enable password xxxxx ...
要启用SSH服务器,你首先必须利用下面的命令产生一对RSA密钥:Router (config)# crypto key generat 11、e rsa在路由器上产生一对RSA密钥就会自动启用SSH。如果你删除这对RSA密钥,就会自动禁用该SSH服务器。实施SSH的最后一步是启用认证,授权和审计(AAA)。在你配置AAA的时候,请指定用户名和口令,会话超时时间,一个...
R1(config)#ip domain-name cisco.comR1(config)#crypto key generate rsaThenameforthe keys will size of the key modulusinthe range of360to4096foryourGeneralPurposeKeys.Choosinga key modulus greater than512may take
Generating SecureShell version 1.5 RSA Host Key ... Cisco is a trademarkof Cisco Systems, Inc. Software CopyrightCisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Cisco AireOS Version4.1.185.0 Initializing OSServices: ok Initializing SerialServices: ok ...
% No Signature RSA Keys found in configuration. sw0(config)# sw0(config)#crypto key generate rsa // 生成RSA密钥 The name for the keys will be: Choose the size of the key modulus in the range of 360 to 2048 for your ...