ip scp server enable ! ! disable the above command after copy is completed end !--- optional ! ip ssh time-out 60 ip ssh authentication-retries 5 ip ssh version 2 ! 使用以下命令複製Cisco IOS映像: scp ios_filename username@<ip_address_of_the_device>:ios_filename ...
Command or ActionPurpose Step 1 enable Example: Device>enable Enables privileged EXEC mode. Enter your password, if prompted. Step 2 install add file location: filename [activate commit] Example: Device#install add file bootflash:<router_image>.SSA.bin activate commit Copies the ...
可用Router1#moretftp://来查看TFTP服务器上的文件 1.3. 使用远端配置文件启动路由器 提问:使用一个另外的配置文件来启动路由器 回答: Router1(config)#service config Router1(config)#boot network tftpCONFIGNAME1172.25.1.1 Router1(config)#boot host tftpCONFIGNAME2172.25.1.1 注释: serv...
*Mar 1 06:36:03.691: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface Embedded-Service-Engine0/0, changed state to down Router> 很OK,成功了; Router> Router>en Router# Router#show run Router#show running-config Building configuration... Current configuration : 1022 bytes ! version 15.3 servi...
default-router 0 0 1!!ip igmp snooping vlan 2 mrouter learn cgmp!!!energywise domain cisco security shared-secret 0 cisco!crypto pki trustpoint TP-self-signed-958090880enrollment selfsignedsubject-name cn=IOS-Self-Signed-Certificate-958090880revocation-check none...
Try this, you don't have to configure any username on the Router for backup purpose. The router automatically uploads the runing config to a SCP server . You just need to provide the SCP username/password and path to the SCp server And then mention the time interval in Minutes. myRouter...
router enable从用户模式进入特权模式 router# disable or exit从特权模式退出到用户模式 router# show sessions查看本机上的TELNET会话 router# disconnect关闭所有的TELNET会话 router# show users查看本机上 router> enable 从用户模式进入特权模式 router# disable or exit 从特权模式退出到用户模式 router# show sess...
The ip helper-address command is used on a router's interface to enable forwarding of DHCP broadcasts onto other networks. It allows clients on a subnet without a DHCP server to reach the DHCP server on another subnet. conf t # interface <interface_type> <interface_number> # ip helper-ad...
revoke your certificate. For security reasons your password will not be saved in the configuration. Please make a note of it. Password: secret Re-enter password: secret % The subject name in the certificate will be: scep.server.example.com % Include the ro...
Router(config)#ip dhcp pool Voice Enter the commandnetwork ip-address maskin order to specify the IP address of the DHCP address pool and the optional mask. Router(dhcp-config)#network Enter the commandoption 150 ip ip-addressin order to specify the TFTP server addr...