(config)#key config-key password-encrypt testkey123Router(config)#password encryption aesRouter(config)#^ZRouter# Router#show running-configBuilding configuration... . . password encryption aes . . crypto isakmp policy 10 authentication pre-share crypto isakmp key6 FLgBaJHXdYY_AcHZZMgQ_RhTDJXHUB...
The service password-encryption command encrypts all passwords issued to the router using the MD5 encryption algorithm. Example 4-29 shows an example of how these passwords appear when the configuration is viewed after all passwords have been encrypted. Example 4-29 displays the show running-config...
最弱的明文密码:enable password xxx 第二弱的密码:service password-encryption xxx hash编码:enable secrect xxx sha256编码:enable algorithm-type sha256 xxx scrypt编码:enable algorithm-type scrypt xxx 操作原理 还记得上文说过的running-conf和startup-conf吗,当enable密码忘记后,核心原理是在rommon视图修改runni...
Router(config-line)#no login Encryption Your Passwords 只有enable secret是加密的,当你在特权模式下输入sh running-config显示DRAM的配置文件时,其他密码将被罗列出来: Router#sh run (略) ! enable secret jhdflkdfg$#sdf enable password 123 ! (略) 对密码进行加密:在全局配置模式下使用service password-en...
“将密码作为可逆密文储存”意味着采用思科私有的加密方式。所以,所有的加密方式都用password,不能用secret(secret采用MD5加密,是不可逆的),例如:enable password 123456 。最后启用思科私有的加密方式:Router(config)#service password-encryption ...
service password-encryption Type 8 this mean the password will be encrypted when router store it in Run/Start Files using PBKDF2-SHA-256 starting from IOS 15.3(3). Password-Based Key Derivation Function 2 (PBKDF2) with Secure Hash Algorithm, 26-bits (SHA-256) as the hashing algorithm ...
hostname routerA ! aaa new-model aaa authentication login default local aaa authentication ppp default if-needed localenable secret 5 <removed>!username jdoe password 7 <removed> username headquarters password 7 <removed> username hacker password 7 <removed>... ...
R1(config)#service password-encryption //加密口令 R1(config)# Ctrl+Z //end,exit、Ctrl+Z 为三种退出命令 R1#sh run //显示结果,口令以被加密 R1#logout //退出控制台,验证密码配置,也可使用 exit 5. 取消密码 R1#conf t R1(config)#no enable password ...
,但是要注意,如果你同时针对同一个项目配置了password和secret,那么生效的是secret而不是password;另外可以通过全局命令service password-encryption来给password加密,使用了该命令后再show run显示的password就是加密后的散列了。 例:Router(config)#enable pa...