Router(config)# clear platform condition all Removes the configurations provided by thedebugplatformconditionanddebugplatformpacket-tracecommands. Step 9 exit Example: Router# exit Exits the privileged EXEC mode. Configuring Packet Tracer with UDF Offset ...
Show packet tracer command: The output of the show platform packet-trace command now includes additional trace information for packets either originated from IOSd or destined to IOSd or other BinOS processes. Enable debug information for Multicast: The following debug commands are introduced to enable...
1、标准文档实验2模拟组网软件入门【实验目的】二、学习使用 Packet Tracer 三、学习使用Packet Tracer、认识 Packet Tracer进行拓扑的搭建。对设备进行配置,并进行简单的测试。【背景知识】一、认识 Packet TracerPacket Tracer 是与新版 CCNA Discovery和CCNA Exploration 并行发布的一个网络模 拟器。PT提供可视化、可...
I am playing around with Packet Tracer 7.3.1 in a 2950-24 switch trying to figure out how port-security works: I ran successfully these commands: switch0(config-if)#switchport mode accessswitch0(config-if)#switchport port-securityswitch0(config-if)#switchport port-security mac-address 00D1.59...
Similarly, in Cisco Packet Tracer, we can use the shortcut key Ctrl + Shift + 6 to stop the domain lookup process. Now, obviously, your query is not about the Cisco Packet Tracer; I believe it's about the Cisco Router Device. But I think this command is also usable in these Live ...
1、实验 8:开放式最短路径优先路由协议ospf 配置一、实验目的1、练习ospf动态路由协议的基本配置;2、掌握了解ospf路由协议原理二、实验环境packet tracer 5.0三、 ospf 协议介绍ospf(open shortest path first 开放式最短路径优先)是一个内部网关协议(interior gateway protocol, 简称 igp) , 用于在单一自治系统(...
1、在之前试试下载的exe文件的情况。 2、SRX配置IDP srx@SRX100H# show security idp idp-policy drop-ftp-exe { rulebase-ips { rule 1 { match { from-zone trust; source-address any; to-zone untrust1; destination-address any; application default; ...
When your VLAN plan is finished, complete the reflection questions from this activity’s PDF. Save your work. Be able to explain and discuss your VLAN design with another group or with the class. Packet Tracer Activity Skills Integration Challenge In this activity, two switches are ...
packet-tracer:源地址为真实IP地址,⽬的地址为映射地址 8.3及之后使⽤真实IP地址的功能 access-group command Modular Policy Framework match access-list command Botnet Traffic Filter dynamic-filter enable classify-list command AAA aaa ... match commands WCCP wccp redirect-list ...
cisco_ipv6_access-list用法.pdf ipv acl2011-12-08 上传大小:181KB 所需:19积分/C币 Cisco IOS IPv6 命令参考 思科 上传者:m0_46365037时间:2021-11-24 Cisco-Packet-Tracer-使用教程手册.pdf Cisco-Packet-Tracer-使用教程手册 上传者:weixin_44173024时间:2021-03-24 ...