在出现生成的 MAC 地址与网络中的另一个专用 MAC 地址冲突这种极少发生的情况下,您可以在情景中为接口手动设置 MAC 地址。 过程 自动向每个情景接口分配专用 MAC 地址: mac-address auto[prefixprefix] 示例: ciscoasa(config)# mac-address auto prefix 19 如果未输入前缀,ASA 根据接口 (ASA 55...
mac-address auto[prefixprefix] 如果未输入前缀, 则 ASA 将根据接口 MAC 地址的最后两个字节自动生成前缀。 如果您手动输入前缀,则prefix是介于 0 和 65535 之间的十进制值。此前缀会转换为一个四位数的十六进制数字,并用作 MAC 地址的一部分。 示例: ...
ip nat pool nat_pool prefix-length 24 address interface GigabitEthernet 0/7 match interface GigabitEthernet 0/7 address interface GigabitEthernet 0/5 match interface GigabitEthernet 0/5 address interface GigabitEthernet 0/3 match interface GigabitEthernet 0/3 ! ip nat inside source static tcp 10.95...
Address : PortId : GigabitEthernet1/0/7<<< Switch Port ID >>> DeviceCapability : VMware.Vim.PhysicalNicCdpDeviceCapability SoftwareVersion : Cisco IOS Software, C3750 Softw HardwarePlatform : cisco WS-C3750G-24TS-1U IpPrefix : ...
The IPv6 EUI-64 format address is obtained through the 48-bit MAC address. The MAC address is first separated into two 24-bits, with one being OUI (Organizationally Unique Identifier) and the other being NIC specific. The 16-bit 0xFFFE is then inserted between these two 24-bits for the...
Prefix:所要到达的目的网络 mask:子网掩码 address:下一个跳的IP地址,即相邻路由器的端口地址。 interface:本地网络接口 distance:管理距离(可选) tag:tag值(可选) permanent:指定此路由即使该端口关掉也不被移掉。 以下在Router1上设置了访问192.1.0.64/26这个网下一跳地址为192.200.10.6,即当有目的地址属于 ...
(config)# interface type-and-number Router(config-if)# description description-text Router(config-if)# ip address ipv4-address subnet-mask Router(config-if)# ipv6 address ipv6-address/prefix-length Router(config-if)# no shutdown // Using the no shutdown command activates the interface and ...
Address Mappings Shows table of the discovered node's IP and MAC addresses. BGP Routes Prefixes, next_hops and VRFs learned from attached BGP routers. Utilization Several sub-functions including: Registrations. enables link stats gathering, events to be retrieved once certain parameters exceed a thr...
Address : PortId : GigabitEthernet1/0/7<<< Switch Port ID >>> DeviceCapability : VMware.Vim.PhysicalNicCdpDeviceCapability SoftwareVersion : Cisco IOS Software, C3750 Softw HardwarePlatform : cisco WS-C3750G-24TS-1U IpPrefix : ...
address, Subnet Mask and the Default Gateway to access the Internet. The default gateway IP address is the IP address of the CPE or Internet modems which provide the connectivity to the Internet, now since the Internet has several hundred thousand routes which we cannot install in our table,...