将IPv6客户端支持添加到思科统一无线局域网的总体目标是维护IPv4和IPv6客户端之间的功能奇偶校验,包括移动性、安全性、访客接入、服务质量和终端可视性。 每台设备最多可跟踪八个IPv6客户端地址。这允许IPv6客户端具有本地链路、无状态地址自动配置(SLAAC)地址、IPv6动态主机配置协议(DHCPv6)地址,甚至备用前缀中的地...
Prefix & prefix lenght information. 步骤4.命令debug ipv6 nd实时显示ICMPv6 RS数据包的接收和ICMPv6 RA在本地网络上的通告。 Router#debug ipv6 ndICMP Neighbor Discovery events debugging is onRouter# Router#show logging | include RS ICMPv6-ND: Received RS on GigabitEthernet0/0/0 from ...
ipv6 dhcp client pd ct-prefix rapid-commitinterface GigabitEthernet0/0 ip address ip nat inside no ip virtual-reassembly in duplex auto speed auto ipv6 enable ipv6 nd managed-config-flag ipv6 nd ra suppress all ipv6 dhcp server router wuhao0015 ...
拓扑结构如上图所示,实际配置不同的是IPv6的前缀,将IPv6的前缀修订为2012:db8:2300::/48。 #配置CE设备ipaddressadd192.168.110.27dev eth0iplink set eth0upiptunneladdkali006rd mode sit local192.168.110.27iptunnel 6rd dev kali006rd 6rd-prefix2012:db8:2300::/486rd-relay_prefix192.168.0.0/16ipl...
10、onTheDHCPforIPv6prefixdelegationfeaturecanbeusedtomanagelink,subnet,andsiteaddressingchangesDHCPforIPv6canbeusedinenvironmentstodeliverstatefulandstatelessinformation:Stateful一Addressassignmentiscentrallymanagedandclientsmustobtainconfigurationinformationnotavailablethroughprotocolssuchasaddressauto 11、configurationandnei...
The command 'ipv6 address autoconfig' will only work if you have a device (router) on the local-link to respond to the IPv6 Router Solicitation packets. To do this you'll need a routet on the same local-link with 'ipv6 nd ...' commands configured (eg: ipv6 nd prefix) to send...
ipv6 nd suppress ra //禁用了路由器的RA ,则PC 无法获得 地址 如果路由器上有多个前缀可以分配: ipv6 nd prefix 2001::1/64 no-advertise 其中一个前缀不宣告 sh ipv6 int f0/0 prefix 五、协议 5.1 RIPng ipv6 unicast-routing ipv6 cef interface FastEthernet0/0 ipv6 address 2001:12::1/64 ...
下面的命令用来验证是否启用了IPv6支持: RouterA# show ipv6 ? access-listSummaryofaccess lists cefCiscoExpressForwardingforIPv6interfaceIPv6interface status and configuration mtuMTUper destination cache neighborsShowIPv6neighbor cache entries prefix-listListIPv6prefix lists ...
11address prefix 23::/64---添加要进行分配的前缀 12 13interface GigabitEthernet1/0 14no ip address 15negotiation auto 16ipv6 address 12::1/64 17ipv6 enable 18ipv6 dhcp server cisco---在接口使能DHCPv6 Server功能,并绑定地址池19ipv6 ospf 110 area 0---为了保证DHCPv6报文穿越Relay设备,要在...
●IP Base: Enterprise access Layer 3 switching features ●IP Services: Advanced Layer 3 switching (IPv4 and IPv6) features As visually summarized in Figure 1, the Cisco Catalyst 3560-E and 3750-E Series support the IP Base and IP Services feature sets, whereas the Cisco Catalyst 3560-X and...