避免IPv4分段:TCP MSS的工作原理 传输控制协议(TCP)最大分段大小(MSS)定义主机在单个TCP/IPv4数据报中接受的最大数据量。 此TCP/IPv4数据报可能在IPv4层分段。MSS 值仅作为 TCP SYN 数据段中的一个 TCP 报头选项发送。 TCP 连接的每一端都会向另一端报告其 MSS 值。主机之间不协商MSS值。
有经验的管理员一般会使用 ip tcp adjust-mss 命令来避免客户机 未能自动调整有效载荷的长度而发生打不开网页的情况。 通过网络分析手段可以得知(网络分析推荐选用科来网络分析系 统),该选项通过让客户机在 TCP 首部添加符合 RFC1323 的额外的选 项,来达到缩放窗口的目的。 但是RFC1323 包含了窗口缩放和时间戳两...
http://www.cisco.com/en/US/docs/ios-xml/ios/ipapp/command/iap-cr-book.html New or Modified Commands The following command is modified for this feature: •ip tcp adjust-mss Cisco and the Cisco logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Cisco and/or its affiliates in the U.S. ...
ip mtu和ip tcp adjust-mss的取值是多少没有固定的答案,在使用 GRE tunnel 的情况下 Cisco 有一个指导值是将 MTU 设定为 1400。我们这里讨论的是没有使用 tunnel 的情况,1400 也适用因为没有使用 tunnel 就意味着 overhead 更少。TCP MSS 的取值自然而然就是 1360 了 (1400 IP MTU – 20 IP Header –...
Also, using ip tcp adjust-mss alone, could risk silent drop of large non-TCP packets. 0 Helpful Reply alan.hunt Level 1 In response to Joseph W. Doherty 03-27-2008 01:02 PM Yeah, you're probably right on both counts there...but I noticed that when putting MTU commands on...
Success rate is 0 percent (0/5) 我们还可以结合ip tcp adjust-mss来对 TCP 包进行 TCP MSS Clamping,如果按照上述示例 PC 可以发出的最大 IP 包为 1326,那么 MSS 值就应该配置为 1326 – 20 – 20 = 1286 (20 IP header,20 TCP header)。
Can anyone categorically confirm that the 2960XR will support ip tcp mss adjust? the Feature Navigator would indicate it doesn't but there are posts in the community which talk about changing the SDM profile to routing but I don't see how that is that relevant. Yes, the Cisco 2960XR does...
Router-pppoe_client(config-if)#ip mtu1492Router-pppoe_client(config-if)#ip tcp adjust-mss1420Router-pppoe_client(config-if)#dialer pool1【跟接口输入的nmuber号一致】 至此,ADSL的配置完毕了,如果帐号密码与接口没错的话,就可以获取到IP了。
no ip address shutdown ! interface Ethernet0/1 no ip address ip tcp adjust-mss 1452 full-duplex pppoe enable pppoe-client dial-pool-number 1 ! interface Serial0/0 no ip address shutdown no fair-queue ! interface Dialer1 ip address negotiated ...
"ipv6-tcp-adjust-mss": "0", "tx-pps": 0, "tx-errors": 0, "ifname": "Control Plane", "interface-type": "iana-iftype-other", "rx-pps": 0, "if-oper-status": "if-oper-state-ready", "ifindex": "0", "num-flaps": "0", "ipv4-tcp-adjust-mss": "0", "rx-packets":...