Begins configuration for an IP SLAs operation and enters IP SLA configuration mode. Step 4 tcp-connect {destination-ip-address | destination-hostname } destination-port [source-ip {ip-address | hostname } source-port port-number ] [control {enable | disable }] Example: Device(...
show ip sla configuration DETAILED STEPS Command or ActionPurpose Step 1 enable Example: Device> enable Enables privileged EXEC mode. Enter your password if prompted. Step 2 configure terminal Example: Device# configure terminal Enters global configuration mode. Step 3 ip...
如果Responder(目标路由器)开启echo service,并且IP SLA echo option指定测量端口为7,由于port 7已经被echo server 占用,那么会导致IP SLA测量失败。 配置示例: R1(config)#ip sla 1 R1(config-ip-sla)#udp-echo 500 R1(config-ip-sla-udp)#frequency 30 R1(config-ip-sla-udp)#threshold 150 R1...
1MainGW#conf t2MainGW(config)#ip sla monitor13MainGW(config-sla-monitor)#type echo protocol ipicmpEcho1.1.1.1source-interfacee0/14MainGW(config-sla-monitor-echo)#frequency5 //设置频率5S5MainGW(config-sla-monitor-echo)#exit6MainGW(config)#ip sla monitor schedule1life forever start-time now ...
IP sla可以解决,一要路由可以track一个IP地址,可以通过向一个地址发送icmp包,如果尝试几次收不到回应后认为对方不存在,此路由失效。 在1841上做的 Building configuration... version 12.4 service timestamps debug datetime msec service timestamps log datetime msec ...
ip sla monitor 17 type echo protocol ipIcmpEcho timeout 3000 frequency 10 ! ip sla monitor reaction-configuration 17 react timeout threshold-type consecutive 3 action-type trapAndTrigger ip sla monitor reaction-trigger 17 777 ip sla monitor schedule 17 life forever start-time now !
Hello, I have a router Cisco 2911 with two possible Wan interfaces out and a backup configuration using IP SLA. When the Primary Interface goes down the traffic is automatically rerouted through the Backup Interface, but the problem I have is that
Cisco配置 IP SLA 路由联动时间:20140410 10:35来源:互联网字体:大中小评论:0IPSLAIP SLA 常见问题及配置1.什么是IP SLAService Level Aggrement服务等级协议在ISP领域指的是
track 1 ip sla 1 reachabilityip sla 1 icmp-echo source-ip timeout 1000 threshold 2 frequency 3ip sla schedule 1 life forever start-time now!截图:R4配置:R4#show running-configBuilding configuration...!interface Loopback0 ip address half!interface...
一 本文将通过Cisco IP SLA和EEM来演示中等规模数据中心多出口的优化设计方案,数据中心构建背景介绍: 1、数据中心从ISP申请了多条出口链路,本文以三条演示,其中默认启用前2条,在其中任何一条发生故障后,自动启用第三条,每条接在运营商相同或者不同设备上。