Cisco的网m际操作系统(IOS:Internetwork Operating Syste),IOS配置通常是通过基于文本的命令行接口(Command Line Interface,CLI)进行的。 二、路由其基本操作 1、基本操作模式 1)用户模式 Router> #通常可以查看统计信息 Router>logout #退出用户模式 2)特权模式 Router>enable Router# #进入特权模式,特权模式是从用...
1、 进入用户模式,命令提示符是>号(正常登陆设备CLI(command-line interface,命令行界面)后的第一个配置模式,主要用于查看统计信息,可用的命令比较少,查看部分简单配置,不可修改,配置) Switch> Switch>? Exec commands: connect Open a terminal connection disable Turn off privileged commands disconnect Disconnect ...
Basic Software Configuration Using the Cisco IOS Command-Line Interface This document describes how to use the Cisco IOS command-line interface (CLI) to perform a basic software configuration for your router. 这个文档描述怎么在你的路由器使用Cisco IOS CLI去完成基本软件配置。 Contents 目录 •Platform...
The Cisco IOS command-line interface (CLI) is the primary user interface used for configuring, monitoring, and maintaining Cisco devices. This user interface allows you to directly and simply execute Cisco IOS commands, whether using a router console or terminal, or using re...
Using the Command-Line Interface Interface and Hardware IP Multicast Snooping Layer 2 Network Management QoS Routing Security System Management Working with the Cisco IOS File System, Configuration Files, and Software Images Working wit...
1.如何进入到交换机配置的命令行用户界面(Command Line Interface) 代码语言:javascript 复制 enter进入到普通用户模式 2.普通模式模式 代码语言:javascript 复制 普通用户模式下的 命令提示符:>Switch>?Exec commands:connect Open a terminal connection disable Turn off privileged commands ...
(the one the console cable is plugged into) and then hit the Enter key a few times. The router responds by starting an EXEC session, which is the process within the router that provides the command-line interface. The default settings for the port are 9600 baud, 8 databits, no parity,...
//"> <interface> <name>AppGigabitEthernet1/0/1</name> <interface-type>iana-iftype-ethernet-csmacd</interface-type> <admin-status>if-state-up</admin-status> <oper-status>if-oper-state-ready</oper-status> <last-change>2020-06-12T05:08:...
ipsline 1.将interface configuration 中interface 的G0/1G0/2 ENABLED 2.在interface pairs中创建 接口对 g0/1<>g0/2 3.在analysis engine的virtual sensor中,name "name";details"inline:g0/1<>g0/2" ; assign 职场 休闲 ips 原创2009-02-08 18:02:17331阅读 ...