每个Cisco IOS XE版本中的功能 每个功能在后续版本中首次推出的版本中才被提及,并且只列出对给定功能的更改。 思科IOS XE - 17.16.1 引入了show netconf-yang ssh trustpoint以显示NETCONF通过SSH会话使用的证书,还可以对其进行配置。 在此版本中,控制器在操作遥测中提供到Meraki控制面板的系统故障切...
If the module is identified as a Cisco SFP module, but the system is unable to read vendor-data information to verify its accuracy, an SFP module error message is generated. In this case, you should remove and reinsert t...
You can use the following command to display information about CDP advertisements that have been received by a switch: Switch(config)# show cdp neighbors [type member/module/number] [detail] The show cdp neighbors command will display a summary of CDP neighbors that have been discovered on all...
Cisco investigated its product line to determine which products may be affected by these vulnerabilities and the impact on each affected product. Refer to the "Vulnerable Products" and "Products Confirmed Not Vulnerable" sections of this advisory for information about whether a product is affected. T...
思科3850只能看到型号:WS-C3850-12S(03.03.04SE),IOS系统版本老是CPU飙高,想升级下IOS,show version和show inventory均看不到是-S还是-E,用命令怎么确认是-S还是-E。烦请各位大神指教,谢谢~ 我也有相同问题 标签: 交换机 3850型号.png 8 KB 5 条回复 ...
7600,6500,5000,4000系列 Show module Mod Ports Card Type Model Serial No. - - - - - 1 24 CEF720 24 port 1000mb SFP WS-X6724-SFP SAD0805062B 5 2 Supervisor Engine 720 (Act 9、ive) WS-SUP720-BASE SAD081502DB 3). 2600,3600,7200,7500系列 Show diag,.,3.端口信息 IOS操作系统设备,...
*Oct 24 11:22:31.771 GMT: %PLATFORM_PM-6-MODULE_INSERTED: SFP module inserted with interface name Te3/1/3*Oct 24 11:22:33.537 GMT: %SMART_LIC-6-RESERVED_INSTALLED: Specific License Reservation Authorization code installed for udi PID:C9300-24T,SN:*Oct 24 11:22:33.537 GMT: %SMART_...
Cisco IOS XE Gibraltar 16.10.1 このコマンドが導入されました。 例 次に、MAC アドレスに基づいてデバッグ出力をフィルタリングする例を示します。 Device# debug platform condition mac bc16.6509.3314 ingress 関連コマンド Command Description ...
show hw-module subslot port-group operation-mode show hw-module subslot port-group port-numbering show idprom fan-tray show idprom tan show ip interface show interfaces show interfaces counters show interfaces switchport show interfaces transceiver s...
By default, all the 10/100 ports on the Cisco ME switch are configured as UNIs, and the SFP module ports are configured as NNIs. You can use the port-type interface configuration command to change the port types. If the switch is running the metro base or metro access image, only four...