Firepower サービスを迅速に採用し、採用時の混乱を減らせるよう、シスコの専門家がサポートします。 よりシンプルなネットワーク。より効果的なセキュリティ。 「シスコ セキュリティ エンタープライズ ライセンス契約(ELA)では、すべてを個別に購入した場合に比べて 3 分の 1 のコスト...
Cisco Firepower Management Center (FMC) 1600、2600 和 4600 管理设备运行的软件可针对网络中存在的用户、应用程序、设备、威胁和漏洞提供广泛的情报。它也使用这些信息分析网络的漏洞。然后它会根据具体情况,就应该要部署的安全策略以及应该要调查的安全事件,为您提供量身定制的建议。
Firepower 管理中心可以作为您的管理中枢,用于管理您的关键思科网络安全解决方案。它可以对防火墙、应用控制、入侵防御、URL 过滤和高级恶意软件防护进行全面、统一的管理。从防火墙管理到应用控制,乃至恶意软件爆发调查与补救,都能在这个单一平台上轻松实现。
Cisco Firepower 1010 Master BundleCissco Firepower 1010 Threat Defense Chss,Subs HA BundleAdd FMC1600-K9Cisco Firepower Management Center 1600 ChassisAdd FMC2600-K9Cisco Firepower Management Center 2600 ChassisAdd FMC4600-K9Cisco Firepower Management Center 4600 ChassisAdd ...
A vulnerability in the web UI of Cisco Firepower Management Center (FMC) Software could allow an unauthenticated, remote attacker to conduct a cross-site scripting (XSS) attack against a user of the web-based management interface of the FMC Software. The
Multiple vulnerabilities in the web-based management interface of Cisco Firepower Management Center (FMC) Software could allow an unauthenticated, remote attacker to conduct a stored cross-site scripting (XSS) attack against a user of the interface of an
How customers should remediate the issue will depend on which release of Firepower Management Center (FMC) they're running. There is no workaround, but hotfix patches are available for several new releases of FMC, and maintenance releases that address the flaw are scheduled for later this year....
Cisco Firepower Management Center 用の IBM QRadar DSM は、 eStreamer API サービスを使用して Cisco Firepower Management Center イベントを収集します。
Comprehensive Event Management Outsourcing Mid-sized businesses can derive all the advantages of Microsoft System Center Operations Manager and have fast access to Progent's Microsoft and Cisco Certified IT support professionals. With Progent's economically priced IT support packages, medium-size businesses...