第四种:neighbor x.x.x.x database-filter all out 与ip ospf database-filter all out同样的原理,但是该命令是用在router ospf进程下面而不是接口下面的,对象不是某一个接口而是哪一个邻居..该功能只能用于点到点网络或者是NBMA. 第五种:area x filter-list prefix xxx in/out 这种功能是对于不同的area...
prefix-list prefix-list options 。根据所选 IPv4 或 IPv6 前缀列表过滤前缀。然后,点击 options ,并选择是否在 in 或out 方向上应用过滤器。 filter-list as-path options 。根据所选 AS 路径过滤器对象过滤前缀。然后,点击 options ,并选择是否在 in 或out 方向上应用过滤器。 在configure prefi...
acl-name access control list name allow-sharing (Optional) allow up to 4 access control groups on same source interface Command Mode /exec/configure/monitor-local-src /exec/configure/config-monitor /exec/configure/config-monitor-erspan-src filter ...
access-list 11 permit any router ospf 1 distribute-list 11 out 备注:OSPF的distribute-list的out方向不能配置接口 ③配置完成之后,在R1上能够看到,并且R4已经没有前面的5类LSA R1#show ip protocols | section ospf Redistributing: ospf 1 Routing Protocol is "ospf 1" Outgoing updat...
{"imageoffset":188645,"symbol":"_blockuntilnexteventmatchinglistinmodewithfilter","symbollocation":70,"imageindex":2},{"imageoffset":257965,"symbol":"_dpsnextevent","symbollocation":927,"imageindex":3},{"imageoffset":251498,"symbol":"-[nsapplication(nsevent) _nexteventmatchingeventmask:...
access-list 1 pool mypool refcount 2 pool mypool: netmask start end type generic, total addresses 14, allocated 2 (14%), misses 0 Depending on the Cisco IOS Software release, the interface lists can be in the lines following theOutside interfacesand...
The format_dm.py filter_plugin method create_svc_intf_dm is run for each inventory host to produce a list of all interfaces to be created on that device. In addition to the services_interface.yml variables it also passes in the interface naming format (fbc.adv.bse_intf) to create the ...
If the access points are to be installed in Europe then we need to add your country code to the list of countries on the WLC and this should resolve the issue. To change the country code, from the GUI of the WLC, go to Wireless ->Country and select or add your ...
第一种:Distribut-list x in 这种过滤方式不是针对哪个接口的In,而是针对是否要写入核心路由表,而且该命令只会干掉核心路由表,但是LSA依然会存储在路由器的ram里面. 下面我们来验证一下。 首先在R1/R2/R3都将ospf配置好。 然后再R3上面,其实通过查看路由表,可以发现已经学习到了1.1.1.1这...
While using Dynamic routing protocols, at some point, you will want to filter the routes that are sent out from one router to another OR filter routes that are received into your router. One of the easiest ways to do this is to use a distribute-list. Let’s find out how… ...