--- The show interfaces card-type {slot/port} status command for Cisco IOS !--- displays a status of errdisabled. !--- The show interfaces status errdisabled command shows all the interfaces !--- in this status. Cisco IOS的show logging命令还会显示与errdisable状态相关的错误消息(具体消息格...
--- The show interfaces card-type {slot/port} status command for Cisco IOS !--- displays a status of errdisabled. !--- The show interfaces status errdisabled command shows all the interfaces !--- in this status. Cisco IOS的show logging命令也會顯示與錯誤停用狀態相關的錯誤訊息(確切訊息格式...
andincludesalltheinformation displayedbytheshowcdpneighborcommand TheshowCDPtrafficdisplaysthenumberofCDPpacketssent andreceivedbythedevice,andanyerrormessages ShowcontrollersS0displaystheDTEorDCEstatusofthe interface Showdialershowsthenumberofdialstringarrivals,thefree timeoutvalueoftheBchannel,thecalllength,andthe...
show interfaces fastethernet0/1 switchport 验证VLAN配置 按以上步骤对想要负载均衡的接口进行配置 在另一个交换机上进行此配置 show vlan 当trunk已经起来,在switch2上验证已经学到相的vlan配置 configure terminal 在Switch 1上进入配置状态 interface fastethernet0/1 进入要配置的端口 spanning-tree vlan 8 port-...
S1>enable (Enter Privilege EXEC mode from user EXEC mode) S1#show interface brief (This command is useful for verifying the condition of the switch interfaces.) S1#conf t S1(config)#interface vlan 1 S1(config-if)#no shutdown (this command will activate the interface) S1(config-if)#Ctrol...
The following configuration command s cript was created:hostname Router enable secret5$1$W5Oh$p6J7tIgRMBOIKVXVG53Uh1 enable password pass ……… 请注意在enable secret后面显示的是乱码,而enable password后面显示的是设置的内容。 显示结束后,系统会问是否使用这个设置: 代码...
!--- Use theset port enable {mod/port}command to try and re-enable it. 对于Cisco IOS,您可以使用show interfaces命令来验证接口是否为“up, line protocol is up (connected)”。 第一个“up”指接口的物理层状态。 “line protocol up”消息显示接口的数据链路层状态,并指出接口能够发送和接收 Keepaliv...
To return to the default allowed VLAN list of all VLANs, use the no switchport trunk allowed vlan interface configuration command. Switch(config)# interface gigabitethernet0/1 Switch(config-if)# switchport trunk allowed vlan remove 200 Switch(config-if)# end ...
show port capabilities 1/1命令显示交换机 A 上以太网 10/100 BaseTX 1/1 端口的功能。 对要排除故障的两个端口都发出此命令。 如果两个端口都应使用自动协商,则这两个端口都必须支持速度和双工功能。 此输出中的粗体文本显示何处发现有关速度和双工模式功能的信息。